Page 14 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 4
P. 14

comwueb mom mg 4
I ‘ _ "Well, 1 ealled 211  bul we was nol a
_ j V, ' me1nbe1 M 2111. Thal .u1e made 1l ea.y
. . . , » . - ' to gel lhe board lo approve l.1n1e.lone
' . . ~ counly walel beeonung a mnmbcr.
" ',' 1‘ To Icff, lhe advanlage wa. obv1ou..
1— . _ ‘ Thank. lo a ma] effort on AL811’. pan
V ’ I (0 L‘ ucats at 1 C (onlmEl0r~ an
‘3- _ V d b l Lh d
 - mdlvldualo abou1lhe1n1po1lanee of
< _ . ealhng bniom yo11 dlg. Pretty mueh all
‘ — ‘keg of lhe eonllaelol. aheady know lo call
1 ; fig , 811 lol loeale. and mo.l people who
1 1 - . _ llvc 1n lhe eounly know 1o eall 211. If
1 : .53, , you llve al lhe edge ol lown lhough,
, , _ _ 1 , _ '-  ‘ you m1ghl call the e1ly. '1 ealleel lhe uty,'
~ . ‘ § , . ' ‘ ‘ lhey'll .-ay. The p1oblen11.ll1e my only
know. wlml'~ 1n lhe city, bul1l1n1ghl
be eounly. AL811 make. 11 ea.1e1lo1
people ‘ll .1n1pl111’e. 1h1ng.. ficupln ean
gel 11 la ‘n (are o 1n one ea
Befum be1ng p11rtofAL811, L1me.lone
counly Wale: did Lhclr own loeale.
"Igucs~t1\c 1no.ld1rheull.lep1n lhe
1......a1.1 C11l11m/ won :m..~< 24,3121: nl.-1o,1..»1.a.1a 1,111 11.1.. 11/ 1.11.. 1.1.». change-ovex wa. mlylng on another
eompany/o1gan1zal1on 1o le1 you know
’ -3 ,1 ,, .- _. a locate wa. neeeled.l1eallyd1dn'l
(5 1; - '-’ _ I‘ - know how long 1l would be belole we
‘ 1." 3‘ -2, 1- ‘ ' >_ > would gel lhe 1ne..age But, boy wa.l
_;~J’ .. . ~ ‘ . ,.£_;;.«, .u1pn.eel1 ll worked oul wonde1h1llyl"
L. ‘  ~ ' E. " "Damage. dmppcd 5137.. ln1l1ally we
« ‘ ' ‘-"; ..  »[ 13Ul 35’,Z.;l ,bl 11’.
1- ' 3 K  ~ .~, Zl”§n'.,.o1§Lwe 12?‘:  Znop
21 av A " -1 -- mdamw 1 I 
1 1 y , . _. “ .ge.. lll11nk11 . an1az1ng The
‘I (S: ‘.’.._ 1 . _ - _ d1a.l1e eedueuon 1n damage. wa. by far
_ f‘£A . Q‘ ;, ‘ gm b1gga.]l surpnd~nI iflvfrl-bath L1n1e.1one
1 '>‘ > :- ounly alel an e amaz on
‘ ;Y\ II .f beeommg a 1ne1nbe1 of ALB11 when
#1 '. “' mku: 1r, 1:111. cxp}:11'iI:nc2,‘td1\:d1.'v-flair. ‘
4’ l _ _ . .a11e 1n amage. ave pa1 or e eo.
1 X » ‘_ of n1embe1.h1p, Jeff’. 1e.-pon.e wa. an
,,  ‘ 1 am11nal1ve. "O11 ye., defimlely. At 51.1
/ « 1 , 1l wa. k1nd ol elo.e, and klnd of elo.e
/ ,t‘' ' / 1. good. But over l1me 1l ha. ab.olulely
’ ' ., pald fur 1l.ell."
, j. " ' Ieff ha. .ome gmat advlcn 1o ulhex
v ~  ;_ ' _. v_ ‘ ' walel opeaaloa. 1n mgard lo bccomlng
\ herk 12.. f _ a n1en1be1 of ALB11, "youl loeale.
A11111ke11l11111.1oa.~co111111w11l.~1 1 mth ZMIN 11111.1 4.111111“ 11y 11 11.11 ma . 1.111. g1L< 11111.1 WI“ definitely |"eFefl~e» The flmeum
or damagc w1ll de11n1lely go elown.
”L|mcsIone counly V\/amt .enve. Ailey allenehng lhe Alabama Damage And 1: you try 1l, 1u.-1 on a lnal ba.-1., l
24,300 customer» and Is gmwlng every Pmvcnlinn sun11n1l 1n 2017, Icff guamnlce, you'll .lay w1lh 1l. w11houl
day,” .ay. Icff. "we have 1,141 lolal brought L1me.lone counly Water on any oue.l1on,1l1. one of lhe belle1
-mlea of water lme m the grout-dfiand a. a 1nen1be1 a[ALB11 and alleneled llung. lhal we have done al l.1me.lo11e
‘hm smwmg every day mu!" They lhe 21313 sumnul, whe1e he .poke on counly Water."
al.o p1ov1ele scwnr lo a purllun ol lhe a panel about 1nen1be1.h1p anel1l. _ _
county» Jeff's vast -zxvmmcv $We~ benem. Jcfl nxplmnnd h1. mol1val1on WM“ “°k““ ‘”'}‘“‘ 1“ "“°” "‘°”‘ “"°“‘
h _ _ h1. long eanea 1n lhe wale11nd11.l1y,
1n1 a unlqul: pehpecllvz on all lhal1. lo beeome a n1en1lae1 uiAl11b11ma 211,
,, Icif look a 1no1nenl lo pa11.e and mflcct,
mvolved 1n the runnlng of l.1n1e.lone we we1e gell1ng a lol ol damagns—
counly Water and Scwnr Anlhonly Wm, {Cw day. W “M gems “"4 ‘1‘“‘ 1“ ’“‘“""=d “ “P "my-
_ — , , , "Stlckmg w1lh .ome1h1ng waleh1ng1l
and an awa1ene.. ol lhe nucrsmslty damage 1 would a.k, 11 hy d1dn lyoo d k , b
or gellmg a loeale bcfom you dlg. 1u.l call u. [L1me.lo11e counly wale1] g;°“’T“l“ , _"°“"“g 3"’l",,“° “°“ “ W"
Damage pmvcntlon 1. h1gh on h1.- 11.1 oz and E9, a 1m.ca1 11,“, “W14 W ° "- ““ ’ P““Y “°" ' U
p111.ml1e. '
12 . Alabama 1111 21:11:, Issued

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