Page 16 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 4
P. 16

D g d b t t b d'gging
Electrical fires linked to underground lines damaged by home repairs
* f-r *-*el-‘‘-k.:*a.'‘‘: : J  W 
; ‘ y #1  I; ._n..‘._  , ‘
a... ..;f..:j ---,2 e:  __ . 3‘ , C mlallvel ubscumcause
-If ,,... .... K‘)-v ..., », Y
- " -as _-_-_ -‘-_-.-.....».3~“~ 332 e., . has recently been llnkcd
_ . -5. " I  ea. . , 1 lo sevzral house files m
r :12; * %.-5' » ~— 1 art}: Tsxaaln Lhelasl
’ '~ 1:; . -» V ~—: year Wltlnntldents on lhcnsc,
.— ex srbzncnura eeaunon and. eelal
, L . p g P
»-~ ' -2 nonheanonlnsllwhenlevelln the
_ . z
- - \s_,,,_ fuundallun d: a home
_ 2. ,, .(~* lt'.snotunusu.1l fural.1b-on- rad:
. - .. E
,- » ._  -.~ _, -_ ~ ‘ .a,<, ,_ llouacsloselllzovurlhs course of
‘V < . gt ‘T .'~  ~_ . yean .n many pan.onhe country,
, '. ~ 1. : ._ -  ,_ r -,y , A and Lhereamnumemuscumpanles
. ‘ S. _-‘ ‘ * ‘r 2 W I - that handle the rcpalm.
’ . 2" - —_“'..*f. 9 ' ’ '" seyeralmelhnd.-arein usetuda ,bu|
. . ya .¢ _ n» 1 Y
‘ a = — ~ . ».,-1' thetyplcalpznczasmvolvcsdlgglng
holes around the foundation of lhe
1 ‘ home and |n.~£xUng spetml ,aele.-
K_ under the foundation that brlng Lhe
,,~~ . , Y ,0:
—~ no 1253,12”§f§§§§'fhZ3Z’§§i§5‘£Lohea
M ’-‘ '~ can to /811 and n walling penod before
5 9 .. wozkcanbngln
1-  / ff, _ ' Bu1umllmccn|ly,icwpeapl2
, ,_ ’ av’ thought much about Lhe damagc lo
. * \ l _ 5 \ underground facllluua Lhatcan occur
‘ 1;,» ‘ not pm when nxcavatlng around the
/  1 ‘K - ‘ foundation uiallomc, but alas when

- .4!’ , Q‘, ' the lnnne l.- actually raised.

VV. ,. I .

_ Mlekey Vas~2y, power quallty
I . lnvzallgalor with elntlnc and gas
; y (-4 pmvldex Coserv, aald he has seen at
1 ,- _ . llzaal a dozen mcldents m the la.-l year
-‘ :- _V where home. and/or raelllne. wnm
’ ‘ eyfi ‘ V "W ;- ' . damaged n.-a rmultoffoundzlllon
r’ ‘- '-' ' levelmg. He meenlly put tngetlmr a
; V r - pmsentallun for a damage pmvnnllon
 councll ln ln. ama (0 lane .1wazl:n2~s

as-; 1' .:s . L" ‘° " ~~* F nitlu~senou~'l~su2

u. xv‘-::~.~.«.e , ~

:11 , A  ,_._L__l ‘ yr‘ ,_ ‘ #3: Mlekey typlcally gush ealled out when
3 - V , In 7  L1’-r " acuatumexllasanisauz wllhafaclllty
‘-A , ._ ':-'7—-._\ ‘ I Q , ! nrapowerlssunntherlhanan outage

ga. V l ‘ , /r -

l.:.a.: : -,;.,;-71,. _ ”Wl\alldo lafllugll level of
-95% 2-3",; A. 1 J ,A ., txoubl£~1\uol|ng,” he iald. ‘Tm nn
Z_'-—_,‘;‘—.l, '~—  _ ":5 ». Q l the ground wnh lhe customer to

" - - . . —  :9; ~—«-. y *- help find uulwhnl|swmng.Ovl2r
any-. .5 _ 4 .,y . A \ ,

 5 1, , gr » - ,- - tlm2,nonh Texashzwgmwnw

- .. ~ 1;. _l  . , -~ \ ,_._,_e muchIhalclutlnclansamfncuazd

‘ — ' : ‘~ I I A . w‘ an new lnalallatlons, and Lhe an of

 ~«"" :_ :j ‘ 4. l;;,.«.x¢ H , ‘ uouhle.-hnohng has klnd of gone
I  ‘a — by the wayudn when om member
. _ . ~ ‘:.v;__ "1 "' v cuslomehnm:d}Ielp,th£ylonklous
-‘ _ Q, ' beyond go.-l tuznlng on the powcr."
‘ - Mickny also lnveshgales when a
14 . Alubamxsll 2015, Issued

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