Page 15 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 4
P. 15

eye.5l weelc5 5go, 5 pol...c..l .'-.g...e m5ole .l.e
commen. "...hc'~ golng .o .ell .l.e .....l. and he
shouldn't wony, well .h5.’5 5—o 5.lly bec.n.5e ..’5
..'5 verslnn o. .l.e .n..l.. No. .l.e .n..l... "
5 l _ ' and clnnlieol .. undcr by ~t.1llng, "No, .. .5n'.
— _: _ .n..l.. Tru|h .5-n’. truth " My l.e5ol .5 5..ll from
‘v, .. W .l..5 commen. and ..5 .mpl.c....on5. l. w55 no. only .n .l.e
l‘- “‘ — 1 - PO1|UCill$£nSC .l.5. l vlewcd .l, but .n eve.yd..y me, .n
, \ ' \ V l...5.ne55 me and .n my pe.5on5l llfe. And I do no. buy ..
., _
;,«‘ V 3 .3 ln P55. 5n.cle5, [have made .l.e eommen. .l.... o...
, l { mel..5..y .5 exnemely, .. .5c. o. wluch we
‘I _‘ L Von \ 5.e nll aw.1n:.And much or .l..5 compen..on .5 bccnusl:
J 1. _ '. Ihl: luw bld .5 awarded .l.e woxk. la... 5 new form of
. ' 5 « 1.55 al~o been cmrsrglng, n5mely 55.e.y
I ‘ :1,‘ ‘I ‘I compc....on
‘ ‘ - _ V s5.e.y 5.5..5..c5 5.e llke CAAPl~ foraccounung Much
‘ > ‘ applying c.ene.5lly Aecep.ed Accounllng
' '3’ ‘. lo 5 compnny’5 finnncml 5-.5.emen.5 for ev5l......on 5nel
' . - ‘ ._ . comp5..5-on, .l.e.e are n.le5 [or mvlcwlng 5...e.y 5.....5..c5,
L . . ' , . .l.e .5..o5 dcnvnd .l.e OSHABOD L5,; 5 log
'. 5 ‘ ._. I M‘ wl.e.e compleuon .5 5 .em...emen. for mo.-. eomp5n.e5.
-~ " , Adherence .o cmxv ....l..enee5 .n5...5nee ....e5, bonamg,
a \ . borrowing and o.l.e. lmnlong mlatlon~hlp~ and .l.e
I . i___ v pexcclvnd zlblllty for 5 company .o be nble .o eomple.e
.l.e.. work. Now 55.e.y 5.5..5..e5 me vlcwcd 55 5
, mzlrkcr lo. redutcd .n5..mnee n5lc .o .l.e owne. of .l.e
- con.-.n.c..on m5n5ge.
so now, .n5ny owne.5 and m5ny con5.n.c..on man2lgcI'?./
_ _ , gene.5l .ne mqulung .l.e 5..l.m.55.on of
‘ ' I 5...e.y numbers 55 5 me55...e o..l.e expec.eol tompllancz
* . .l.ey w.ll find in .l.o5e who 5.e awarded eon....e.5.
"l . And .l..5 .5 5n undnntandablc 5nol y.5l5le .em...emen..
' la... .m.o....n5.ely, Lhcre .5 ~ub]ecllve .n.e.p.e.....on o.
5 . ’ wl.5. .ne.olen.5 5l.o..ld go on Lhc OSHA Log, .l.ece.o.e
. _, 1' ‘ .l.e numbcxs and 5.5..5..e5 do no. .e.lec. .l.e
,. l , -—-' pcrfurmantc record 55 .l.ey ~l\uuld llmve ~l:l:n mun:
* ' . .l.5n one ex5mple OffllUalV.'DYkUl'l1Ell'I|IXl'y en5e belng
,, . ‘ 5 , mmrdnd 55 5 medical only e55e .le5p..e vcry 5pec...e
‘ - ’*g§‘ a -— 3?‘ l n.le5 .l.n. lenve l...le gmy area .n making .l.e enll. 0.
. -.  _ '4 pexhap~ nn .n.o... wl.e.o .1 po5....eholn.g .e5. eme.ge5-
' - ‘v I : V _ — ~ 55 5 eomp5ny elec.5 no. .o record . e lncldenl .le5p..e
-‘; .; 9‘: > . - _ 5 5pec.fie dlmclmn OSHA .o lncludn .. ln uxdez .o
"‘ ’ ' ~, «, have .. .n.e .m5ge o. wlm. each and nvnry eomp5ny
‘ ‘ '?« doe. ham 5 55.e.y pe.5pec.ive, there .5 no mom for .1..5.
1 ‘ ‘ The eompnn.e5 .l.5. pe..o.m one w5y wlnle ponraymg
. .  v 5no.l.e. w.ll ..l..m5.ely be el.5coye.eol. la... .l.5. m5y bl:
, T. ‘ E In ’ - 5..e. 5 eo5. .o workcr~,t1m p.o,ec. and .l.e owne.
R, . - _ E lmnlcnlly, .l..5 men.5l..y 1.55 al~u found ..5 way
_. ~ - , . .n.o lnduslry 55.e.y ..w5.el5. The 55me 5.e
fir. =  _ _ ' ".n5555gea" .n.o Lhc 5— kmd of pe..o..n5nce
.\» : 5 Pg-'_.-_::' . . . .n anuclpatlon of 5.. award so .l.e .5, 5. le55. .o
"~ _ —  me, l.ollow. To .l.e nxlcnl .l.5. .. .5 bung awarded on
, _ _ - ! 1‘ .515-ilieol numbezs and 5.n.....e~, .. .5 me5n.ngle55. And
~  ‘ ' .l.e tompllcatlon for .l.e pe.5on wl.o makes .l.e el.5..ge5
- ‘ _ .5 .l.5. 55 .l.e "," .l.ey lmve .o .ememl5e.
. r‘ , . wlnel. ye.5.on of .l.e .n..l. .5 5c...5lly .ln-_.m.l. If .l.e.e
_ _ __ ~ 43.; ’ V .5 only one ve.5.on, .l.e one .eeomleol and enlc..l5.ed, .l.e
-- - 5 __V ,__E by . one 5l.5.eol .n.e.n..lly and eX(I:l'f|il“)'yI1'1IL‘l’Il(|a c.1~y ..
*1; ~ — ; .l.e .n..&5 .l.e .n..l. Anytlung el5e m5ke5 5l55ol...ely no
— > '5 5en5e.
- .. 3; . V . _ . .
'  ___ ' ‘ . 4 ‘- ,, 1, M. .5. 55...... vcmc.1n< (wt: Wm...)/.5. 5.5. 5. .55 o CA)
:5 7 ‘ _  .5. .1/in  ...5.;o. .55.. .5... 5; Jo...
2.5.5 .555” 5.5.5."... 511 . 13

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