Page 20 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 4
P. 20

Better Servlces Through Technology
ethnology rs a wonderrul (LNC) ~ There have been five revrsrons ”Thank goadncs~ we are not gnmng all
Ihmg Do you remember when to NFPA 59;. ~mce zuul The eunent the gouernrnent we am paymg for."
there were no sueh thtngs \'cnlL»n rs daterl 2ul9 There are reasons
as eell phones or pcrwnal that the newvu verstons have not been A’ ‘° “°“’ “'“““°‘°$Y' " “"3 “*3”
teehnolo 'has a vnlrd n ltentton
eornputersz or, farlhat mattu, seat tneorporateel by mfemncn: However, to h 3) H . “PF [1, '
belts In enrs, car seats for tnrnnts or beeornplrnnt wtth the regulatrons, an "El" ‘““"’“:l °”°‘°"l“ ‘l“"L°;“°“
even breyele hclmets? LNG operator has only to eornply wtth ““ " “"3"” V ‘°‘“" ‘““‘ W" ‘ E,
a stnndnrrl that h nlrnost 20 Venn old “g“‘““°"’ """“‘“'“" ’““P‘3’ “’°" ‘

There shoulrl be no rlebnte that and mm from a Pmly méummy do tt New (Ethnology apparently
technology and the nppltenttonor mud um; I "M an the H“ mvemmh muslbc SAFER or more cnnservauvl:
technology are two ot the Lh|ng~ that Mm hi“ b'efn ubmhcd gm‘; mm Ev [mm the PHMSA perspeettue), I would
dlffcrcntlatz between developed [ht Wa mm Y if mg mm ~md“‘d~ — Encourage you to contact your loenl
natrons and thud-world natrons Do addmZ'k_C‘1m’OlO mm PHMgA ‘ prpeltne snlety mgulalor and run It
you want to go back to the "good old mmm’ (0 mm hi’; Wm‘ m m to M by thern. Plnasc dun’l be surpnserl tr
rlnys" ot healing hornes by burning dc“ “ mmrfmm 0 mg“ and then support rs less than eneouragtng.
wood, uavellng on foot, outdoor m4“§m'mm’c of i Am‘; ;nd | Chm Your tdea of mic and effncuvl: rnny be
plumbmg and pre—zuth eentury ‘mums’ The flfiglcd \;Emm  E enttrely drtterent than thetr tden of ~afc
methane’ l doubt tt. uspmfll Pm“, under 49 CPR §1 90.3 41 and eneeuve 7 but they rnterpret the
we are In the pulmcal season. PHMSA speetul pernuts Good luck wtth “"“’-

ts up tor mauthunzauon next year rneettng the requrrernents tor a spcflal Unul next tune, be sore out them.’ Q
Tlmm has almady been at least one perrnrt the way PHMSA ts applylng

Consmwvnal hwm-3 and there la a‘ §19"-3“ In My prevlmts lssa.» an nteomet statement
lnasl one propos-eel rcrulthunzauon. mrla matte. Far Hm mord, Mlkc Rome L5
(see hHp5.'//It/[,gn;;/nuws/  :“:fA not tssoetated ll/IN1 or a spolresmm /or the
l’""“"'”X‘““'4'¢'“5""""'“'l"W"'W rolxdln Lo le~'oiIl’ndu~l v~t1nd1rds' C‘2"'l"'5"'°Y°'5'17fZ'5'§§'fP‘M' R"””'
atld-tvthrm4‘il1g-5rIf('fy-art-2019-5('rHLm- P 3 K P ’ " ‘ ‘ ’ '"‘° ”"”"' ‘” ' .‘ ‘"'“"""“’

Incoxporaud by minmncn to the publlc, I/Imp/113:1 amt lmdm mtmd dmml e

wfrvrr-wrfllyswl Myguvss-~t1wHhvre m ub,m,fim,,. who , Chm pl'evmfll7Vll5!hmu E!h£I\'rlIlmIn§E.\crlIl/1Inl'
wtll be many ehanges bcfom tt goes 0 5mm ‘ndug mnfafdy mm lttlmmne. Ute pub/lgshernpalaglzrsfor/17W
..,m,_a one pmpmdsmmmmgh‘ "hum K»)-dwdf; r3/me dmiu W :arI’fl45ll7llarkrltI5lmdrl's!rIlldlVlg/1H}I('l'e5ul!
"‘Y "W “ ‘”"“'d ‘“““"° PHMSA “’ ot sueh standard? are entrtlerl I: the W "5 mm C

''‘“‘’‘°‘‘’ “W “W ‘“‘‘‘“‘’>' °‘““d“““' benefilofcmzlung those standards but .

mlatlng to ptpeltne szlicty proposed Wm M amzaum re mm mDm’m loltu [acabl l'eIlm1jmm PHM5/i

to be tneorporaterl by rererenee ‘D fimnfim ‘D “N who ‘ch in a '7 Far /]M('5I1m15 or eommms, ematl
Lhmugh a petrtton for rulcmakmg " Ummml Y M “fix (mnfummp " ]]t1cl7bl(¢lJ5brglaht1Lll('I

Pl—lMsA's words—notmme. The Mmvmj mfidzdbv |’ dm’

An 5U.S.Cod2Cm ters asbeentn ’ ‘ ’ ---.2
cfitcmnmlm W}; dumlmmw thelnnd tt should be ovarloble to all. A 2 5 t 3 7 
proposed ~l:cuon add? How ts thrs Dnclr1~tcommcm— accuxdmg to the 9 3 9 2 5 . 3 1 . ‘ 7
eonsrstent wtth Ereeuttue order 13777 lates-t (lune 2019) Repun on DDT 5 l a 1 a 4 9 3 2 5
Enfuxclng the Regulatory Agnnda? Significant Rulenrnlongs, the pending 5 

Hazardous Ltqutd rulnmakmg began E

'-‘q“““““‘ N“‘“”‘ C“ }‘“’ 1”“ '" 3/13/2010 the Cu ”Mc 1 Rule" 2 M
”‘° “°“" “ "" '““"Y‘ 49 CFR "‘“‘ roeess stnrted 1/‘U4/20?; and the R 
193 eontatns the mgulatlon~ for LNG finder’ mum‘ Slow C Re '“1auDm a_

laetlrnes. Part 193 tneorporotes by Pmmfmmdz/175/16 “Each of 3 7 3 1 _ 2 4 , 5 6
f‘“1““§f ":l”’A'59‘;‘Z"”"' "5‘d““d“‘“‘ these '7:-tnnl rules" ts supposed to be 5 9 ‘ 9 3 7 1 2

or (In ['0 uetton, torage, an ’ ’ 3 I 
Handllng ofhqucfizd Natural Gas f1“f'1'::‘:d&"L§;“\:;‘fd:':$‘;;i3fi=;;g:Z:’ 2  7 ‘ 9 3 H
1.5 . Alabamaflll 2019 Issued

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