Page 21 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 4
P. 21

no 1: .un. xx e .xnl  —-=== ' =a==- :=. ' -==
=ler. E a ;: IFX o . :  5 = ’ 2 53 ‘l
 unl‘-arlrdl ll iii”! .  nag ::f.‘.-E‘
Can't get a good gound? N ow what? EY5‘*"9 59""-’
nyone who [mo been cable Ixavcl Io Lhe end of the cabin It may be The lumled end.-, altlmugll puasibly
locating for any lime wlll that you need a dome that has even a msulatnd, wlll have sum: eepnnlnnee
be quick to pornr out a lugber zrequeney that you lypltally u.e acmas rbe luml. unng low rrequeney
few useful son. Lhm lmlp to help you on this on2.TypItalIncr1le plpe deleenng techniques data not
to locals a cable or prpe. Thnsc may imquentlua lend to be In the range of ger a good ngnnl pal}: but switching
lncludc 512Hz to 3ZkHz. Thnoe fmquencies to 48UkHz allow. the signal to u~L‘ «be
offer good algnal lo nul~elucr1lcs where tapacllancc of the luml to jump over lbe
‘ *“W"Y° "V l“ ‘M “ ‘W’ “W“““°Y good grollndlng n present. Hnve vuu rn.-ulnled .-eeuon
- Make aum the lrne ln. good eon.-ldered uung somulhmg In Lhc A V d i Y A Hh
tonllnuity range of 48L\kHz for poor groundrng ~_v:n°‘LhLf"‘:‘C"c"';‘l"‘?1§}‘  ‘nth
. tu r .-7 l * . *
- Make aunt that both Ends nre well “ “ mm -I8l)kHz can be beneonnl In many
grounded so why mlenzz well the an~wv:r r. uzcum.str1ncI:~, but llke nll good tlung~
_ M k k d d that r1l4B0kHz the algnzll wlll "bleed Lhcrc r. E downddn Undcrstandlng
R “W W“ me e H 30° Emu“ off" the cable due to the dhlnbulcd rl.e.-e llmllations can ~u1l allow the
=°""“°“°" capatltancu of the cable to ground. user to appreclam lbe benem. of lugb
T1,“ Me an Emmy ,.uggN,W, gm Thank no need to go lntuluxplanalluns frcqunncy lonne none. The two nnun
we know (hm me ., “D. away. so 0}: vflaitlllihls, but .-umee Lt to .-dy— am:
. I 1-‘krf - ,Lh L}! d IE lg Cr l:frcqucnc_v,IL‘grcr1ler

well grounded.” Many cables wlll unzmfmded cables because the gm alga mm m a nblmd 0",, mm
not be grounded at the far end (or the eapmt-wee ereaIe~ -1 son of Pseudo so ’ ’ . 1 L 1
bcgnwung fa, gm, ,,,a,,g,,, AW,y,,,g ground dnr allows the slgnal ro paas mxitgglabg jg-5:; §';'|:f‘;'1‘~‘§f1Vflerl|';l:

“ ‘°"" "°‘1“°“‘Y 5'5"“ '°°"‘° ‘°"*‘ '" ‘mm ”“ ‘‘’“d““‘°’ ““° ‘}‘.“ ‘‘’‘’““d on nlhcr utllltlm re.-ulling ln mulllplc
mm g,,g,,,,,,m,,m can be ,,_,,,,g,, and w complclci the erreun back to me 1 IT Th ;_ d b H

. Iransmlllez. Usln Lhc -I80kHz rnode "Sm P“ 3 “C ““ ‘° ° ‘W “'

For example, ~l\nn relepbone drop. to a g “snag gs (mm [mung mhmqm
premlsc will probably not be grounded, helps eleleet Ihe~e short, unearthed an mp to ‘dmmy um mm“ mm ’
put ended cables that havn been eable dmvs

lcrmmalcd beenu.-e they nre no longer Th“ H m ‘ht end of ‘he W“, h 2) A~ the slgnal wlll ”blned ufl" aver (112
requued or bl::auset1u:y}Iave been lald 4B0kHz can am be H gm“ MP m enure length cf the cable, the d-otancc
|n anllclpatlon ofbelng u.ed later are demmg aldcr cm, mm P,Pd,,,c,, the signal wlll travel along the table
also not llkcly to be grounded. Mm, 0‘ mm plpnhm mu hm or prpe wlll be [us than that ol a low

' ’ srequeney ngndl. It .lrould be notnd

If them r. no ground, or tlm grounding m~-ll-‘ted lo-I-ls Tlus eleelr-eel Lg I f , 1 .
.. poor, maklng a good gronnd Imulallun may be a result of cormdlng B :;‘:‘;‘;lgb:;’\§j“:“;‘§l)d:x:;‘;‘::m
tonnectlon at (In: applltallun pmnt nnd lamb and nuts and bola, or became the fimcm .

thetklng fur cnnlmulty r. not gorng seal-ns mater-al used to l‘_?lll the pwes

to help nnuen d. Lhere r. nowhere can Heme an -nsulated l°l“l- Enher wayr Ifyuu hm /11495210115 ul wmmcnfs abuuf
50, ,1“ “gm; .0 "M; .0 ,; mm .5 M rlu.- r. bad new. fox somconn trymg Hub artirle ur lelarcd ID;lIr5, fcclfrct fu
mung a‘ ,}m ,a, my WE ggwyd use a to deren the pchmon of the plpelmv: um!/14‘! slow at.

dliferent reelrnrque to gel the ngndl to Calm-uve effects help here also ,

5;‘mc.l7etlzl('(WvXlm‘ mm.
2019 Issued Alamma an . 19

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