Page 18 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 4
P. 18

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he vLo:3—Pm utlllly lucatm lntrorluee. new |nn()\‘r1l|vc tnoli for loratlng buned Iltllmcs aswunng damage pmvr:nuon
wlnle galhurlng lnfmmauun fur anr1ly~l~.
wrth two icts of acrccnud 3D antenna. ngnal dlsloztlon is Caally deteeted and dhplayud an the brrght lull mlur dlaplay.
Along wltll clamlc locum atrtevns the \‘Lm:3 icncs locatori offer new leeate pL‘r~pL‘:l|vc scmL‘n~ of Vector Locale [or fully auto-
matlc nun-walk over locating. Tmnsvcmc Cxaph showlng bath peak and null almultancmwly pruvldlng lnnnerllate mcaiummunl
of ngnal dlalonlon, Plan vlew sllowlng the rclatlvv: ormnlatlon of the eable at any angle, and a new graphical sonrle acrvcn wltll
guldancc r1rmw~ lcndlng to the «and: loeatren even when rt r. vcrtlcal
The highly um: configllmblc vLuc3 mum mnlzlin~ ugh! pa~‘~l\'n locale modcs, iault»l'-lnd mudc, SD (~l\uwlng dlrccllun of oulgolng
enrrentl, and a mngn of configurable fxL‘qucnc|L‘~ from 1bHz to 200 kHz. Audlu and mechanical vlbmlmn alerts ean al~u be Config-
nred by the pxovldlng warnings for shallow depth, overload, overhead cabins, and ereemve iwlnglng. [’lug—lnAplay optlon.
fox lhc l’CCL‘|VC!lY|C1|IdC 1.»ptl1.»nalBluctuoIh l‘l’|Ud|I1L‘ Ihuablr: with L‘xlcmr1lC[’S dL‘VlCC~ and EMS foul ta locale bunud markers‘ ®
TM mm Irlfm mntwn an was new prurllm‘ by l/.'anr—Metrelerh go nv ll/ll/ul.vlvnr-rllcfruftrh mm m etmtae; yum luml rlmlcr.
ls . n,na.rn 2019 Issued

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