Page 7 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 7

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n Iune e, 2019, ceuemor - lnereases l-ulalre Sen/mu cummrssron other tmprmraents:
l<ay Ivey signed the senate regulatory uyersrght of the onecall _ . . _ .
Blll 315, whroh updated Nutrneanun system through adrhtrunal ""““‘ ‘h“ "“"‘1“3' "‘ “" °"‘""‘“°’
. _ tor rlamages eauserl to underground
the Alabama undergruund annual reportmg requtrements . . .
. . ianllty lf exeayatur has eumplted wrth
Damage l-reyentron Law The Alabama 811 ts eurrently eerttnerl by . .
aet, If the taerlrty owner reeetued lueate
purpose of the undergrounrl Damage the PSC and serves as the one-call “ammo” 6‘ mm ‘D mm‘ mm
Prevention Law rs to sateguarrl Nutrneattun system . . Y ‘ . ‘
. taethtres m romplranee with the act, anrl
agamst rmury and less at lrte rlue Io . . .
- l-rovrrles tor phaserl-m membershrp damage was a dtreet result of the tarlure

exeauanun or demolrtron and to proteet E Y b _ M d ‘ I I

underground tanlttres hum eostly 3 T3‘ ""3"" 9" ""“ “ °’Y°‘“ P°"° ° ‘’°‘‘ 9'

damage and the interruptrun at ulllity “‘“ °" 9“ “Z2 . crants teller fmm physteal marlnng
or other servtees to the general pubht. - crants relret tu excavators for of taerlrues, with eondrtiens, if a

ln orrler to mom etteettvely achieve damages to underground taerlrty member iaclllty owner does not have
the purpose of thts aet, senate Blll 315 should the owner of the underground aerurate tntermatton regarding exaet
was enaeted to strengthen membershrp iaclllty tarled tu ,om the onecall loeahun of thetr taetlttres

requrrements m the states one-call Natrneanen system _ R . _ i 1 d
Notlficnllon system and strengthen E _ “.‘T‘"’°” _““‘ “Y °‘g[°" E ‘:l““" 2
mfmemem of and pzmhm M nforcement. a pusttrve response to  a h
vlolatlons of the undergrounrl Damage . creates the underground Damage N"“fi““'°“ S"““"‘ ."“°‘ “Y. “"3

deter-mrnerl the taerlrty owner rs not

"‘°“°“""“‘*“’ ‘’'j:’‘}:‘‘;§“‘?“‘}1‘?’;‘3’'‘“““‘°_“Pj‘ ‘ Impactzdatthzzxcnvatlonslleor
The tullowtng are the lughhghts of Mac ad era, V\\ ulc a rev-avian vI°fa“°“‘ has marked the taerlrty (Requirement
changes that went mto zfllzcl wllh the “" "3" 9” PE“ ‘‘E‘ "“ “E” °’ wuuld take effect 12 months after law rs
passage of tlus blll. "‘°‘““°“‘ "‘ ‘ E “L enaeted.)

Membership: ' '.3l““""fl‘.°" “:1 2”“? “ ‘¥°;“’f ”’*“_ "‘f . Extends late of locate request from 10

T1‘ _ °“" Pm“ ‘*3’ ““ “°” °’ "‘° “ ‘°“’ ° to 20 worlnng days tar Excavation anrl

- ts blll requrres all undzrgmund the aet.

utility owners to lreeume a member of mm 20 ‘° 3” “Y” ‘°’ ‘’‘““‘“5’

. ’ - E~tabl|s}m~' an under mund . .

the state wide one-call Nutrneattun D P I F if“ d db . Extenrls length or ttme a ianhty
system tor rr:cclvlngex:avr1l|on and “‘“l“5°‘ ’‘’‘’°“ ‘C; ““ I " ‘ fyl owner has to marklhlzll faality at an
demohtron notlficatlom‘, and removes P°“;“‘;’“°""“;F °‘ V_1‘°S‘;““’ 2}" ‘“ exeavatron site tu two full wnrklng
optron tor ulillty owner to operate :7" “V ‘’‘f‘’':“ A‘”’;” ‘.“‘ E "‘ ° days, not euuntrng the day the

thetr awn ln-house notlficahon system. {fllvn ° d E '3' hjnév ‘ll’ C3‘; °‘§‘d nullficnllon u made.

There  a seven.year sunset on the -l~ . um» in gym "   . “*6 Th 1 b d “I d d
mmbmhip mqmmmem to support pu tr awareness, trarntng e entrrr av. ean e ov. ua >2

an euea unreae u ne roun vvtstm aama swesrea
dd n ltrltudrg d b_ tgAlb 811’ btl
Damage Prcventlon. www aml mm. .
2019 Issue? alaaama all . a

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