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The anllne web portal and melale applicntiun {Dr COMMON GROUND ALLIANCE
zntenng laeale requzals l.a..- been updated anal
15 even more user fnendly. VlsllAlabama slls The 2017 DIRT Repun has been released. A eopy of
website al 111111111 alsll mm in gel mom lnformalion the report 15 available for duwnlond ur hard Copy
about these twn prograrns. by visiting wwwmananangnmnelalllaneeeaan.
ccaxa first-ever wlnle Paper has been
ANNUKL OPERATIONS REPQRT released pmvlding Data-Infurmzd Inslghts and
Alabama an: Annual Opzrztlons Repan is‘   
available far duwnlnad from Du! webslte. II can be . . ‘ 5 3 . '
. Including the 2017 DIRT Report, 2018 public
found under the Operahuns Repnrl llnk. __ _ _. _
awamneaa aeaeaaela, an analy... as call-befurE<ynu-
dig awamness overlaid with DIRT data, an online
Excavator survey anal excavator men. gmups,
inn: key takeaways emerged that yleleled data-
suppnrtzd remmmendatlons for mute effective
Excavamr outreach.
Alsn ml can website tn find out huw you ean
became lnvulved anal suppun acme of the damage
Kl-an mm‘. wan. call below you dlg. preventiun lnitlatlves currently nnelerway.
Reglster For Our Free mm." monmm.
Web Tlcket Ent PO rtal S ll m m t
I. E , = ~ —
2‘ E : September 17-19, 2019, The Grand Hutel, Puinl Clea!
L  )
.a...,_.a.. an an am...   an  :4  a Test Your Skills at the
clay ,l 7 days a wccl-. The name Wuh penal lug ln wlll .ql|uw '
 a. la-alan-e on me Mubllv: App  well Ta 1.,-_.aa mun: 2019]:A‘1abaI§a§“mm‘t
alaanl haw la mkc eavanl-age of lhls gm: SL*n'|C4:. elmply go
la Www alsll eana and elnl; on Web Purim Lug ln and Sign ocate 0 eo
up- to gut s|.«rll:d laaeu Monday, September 16
, for more information
or to Sign up:
2015, Issue? Alabama 311 . 3

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