Page 12 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 3
P. 12

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129.3. .- ' A5 .“u~'.». ; r .' . ‘- ac - WV zurf. '8’.-aka-.«-.,. v ‘ .4,
vcn after an mm yeah oi consists‘ of mun: than 45u,onu mxlca of Rually, the beauty ui kcupmg uuhty
flymg Mm» (11: country, rm hIgh—\'ullz\gc tmn~m|»Ion lines‘ and 5.5 mm. ~afn and m proper workmg
ml] fa~c|natnd by K11: mxlhom mxlllon mIlL‘~ ui local dhmbuuun Imus, order a. they allow u. to me our
ui cxty lights that appcax on tlm hnkmg thomanda of gcncmung plama um-a scamlcmly. And when there's
honzun about the ~amL‘ umc a. we're «a factuncs, homo and bu~1nL‘~.~n~'. an oulagc, av. pmtty anmavmmac,
mid m put our seats‘ and uav. |n the wmctxmcs my (cm, hundred. or ma
— Thu powcx gnd wa. bmll over a ,
luckcdandupngh{pv.»~Im.»n h d d H d H m‘_ thullmndsofuscn EvL‘nIf|ts~ImpIy
. . . \ . “"\'° "‘"“‘3'”“ “ ‘f ° ‘_ nulbcmgablclowatchthcihowyuu
whm 1 (1110) zhn ngm. and um cunLnlInfm~tructum1~ u\ u a‘1ftv)Lar~ V
— love, or buaaw vml hm c to dunk mom

convunmnccaclnclncxlybnngalolli, 1.»ld.ThcnIrrcntgnd xsvulnuablctu mm mum Wm—mMwd “Hamid
pcrhap.bu:au.c11m-and workxn the wcatlml, naluml d1~.1~mr~, Elcctrcv Wmfréom Lhumdgc Bunhugmml
undcrgmund mau.-uy, I can't help but’)wcap1.»na,and mm" I. W W mmnvmmm M

think of the lholwanda of lmrd-woxk|ng cybcr-attack. Mn [ht mmgv H H W “Wk 0'"

M“ “M1 ‘l_‘° "“”‘°“‘ "‘ '“"°’ °f P"'”” Wh|lc m1.»~t u[ that ..- bnyond the may [or the general public and fur thu

hnL‘~ anon the mllntry. ,

average pm-on .- pay grade, what ..- wmkm at thc }ub um.
I mad the othu day that the wllhm oux comm] (for thc must pal!)
Eccaum many uuhky mm are buncd
us clcctncalgndw xhalaagc.-x I~lmwwndL‘ndL‘lo excavate ncaxlhc ,
undcxgmund, n . ca.y to forget they
Intucommctcd machmc on Eanh n L‘vL‘r—gmw1ng number of undugmund
uulnyI|nC~,c<pcc1allypowcxlmci. “"' ““"° “"“ “W my "““‘3’ ‘““ "“‘
10 . A/annmasll 2015 Issue:

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