Page 13 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 3
P. 13

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framework of uurllv2a.Tl\2ll's why ldE|’IIlfiEdialO(OnlflCIB11b€fGl'EyC|IX weather cnndltlons They band

we have to be so careful about digging dig. You eteeptores.-tonalexenvutnt. together to ensure evety home and

anywhete. until we have undetgtound Let tlte pmiۤalDnaI~ at the an eetttet every bueinesa is sore, worth in the

uhlitles located and ldentlfied by the get tn touch with the rlghl PEYSDIIIIEI at wtntet time and cool in tlte .-utntttet

uttltty orilslucatlng l1‘presEnlaIlV£‘,WE the utilltycompany. By domg .su,tl\2 Ilm2.Prole:linglh£ir undergmund

don't know what’. unolet the gtound uttltty cumpany can .end a ptnie.-.tnttal ttttmttuetute t.- ssrlous busmes~' with
nnrwhatmighlbe dluupled lts ID luczlle the applnxlmnle location of tlte them betauaz they know the polentlal
impoztanl to know the l1~‘k~‘ and how undetgtound ltne befnm you get thete cunatquzncza of zlcridznlal Contact

to avnld gettlng ln]ured {tum accldnntzll Not only can that save you tune and wtth thett uttltty lines

Contact wlth these buried llnes The muney, but can be I116 dlflemnce maker , .

_ _ Let . du Bur part tn helptng them
muat obvloua and unfortunate cool e. lo whethet you O! yout zmployeew .
V _ . V kezplhsllghtsonby eunteettngall
ofcontzlcl wllh pnvt et [men 0}’ gm get the opportunity to go home aftzl’
. beforr: we dtg and we gtve them the
plpdlnes l~‘ tntuty ot death the lab. _ .
ehottte to help In lzmflln ..tte unlll we

And Lhaflo ltke playing Ruasliln Yo‘ stt, we all one out frmnds at the move safely away {tom the dnttget of
Roulette, except with two bullets tn the electne eoopetettves, publicly-owned digglng lnlo thett buned [Ines

gun...pmbabIy not a good detlalon. and pnvalely-owned powel Companies ,

a debt of gmutude rot keeping the “ ‘ “P “’ Y‘’“-' W

oteout.-e,thewayto,;etthe In H‘ 1 d _

uttdetgtounduttltttesloeetedend °“"‘“ °"““g'“ ““°‘ " “em

Zolxlssuel Alabamuslltll

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