Page 14 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 3
P. 14

CONTINUED mom an; 5
- street Light Poles - Unlcs~ uverlmad powrsr llnci ate elneetly attaeheel tn a ~lmcl Ilgllt pole, the puwcr cables am bnneel tn the
atrcnl ltght pole from Cqulpment ~uth an a pzldmountnd nan.-totmet or an adl.1:cnt~lmL‘lIlgl\lpole.
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o Gmunding Applications - Not all buncd puwcr cable. am let .taeet light applteatten. and en.-tamer .emee. To tmpnwe
system mhabtltty, enhaneeel gxmlndlng t. utlllznd at new Alabama Power cnmpany eqntpment poles Enhaneed gruundlng may
lnclude ground tea. and ground wne |nalzlIlatll.m~ nntnele the pole hale m undlsturbcd eanh my lmprovcd gmundlng

An "Enhaneeel Cmundlng Installed” slgn |S generally attached tn the poll: at eye level te pnavtele addlllonal nnttee to the excavator
cf Lhcsc below ground eleetneal faclhllcs The gxoundlng facllmcs almuld be marked wlth Ind palnl by Alabama Power Company
lneatm, whem appllcablc.

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3. Cunmtunleatlon - A key factor wtth mic dlgglng pmclltci l~ uffctllve tommunlcatlon between excavators and underground
famllty upcmlom. Even though pD~ll|vc rciponic |S not ennently mqulrcd by Alabama state Law, Alabama Power Company
Iwcs the Voluntary [’uamvL‘ Re.pnn.«e Program uffumd by AL811, Thu program allovtw an excavate: tn know the ~t.1tus M then
loeate mquL‘~t by vtewtng the onltne AL811 Wcb[’onal Thucfom, the polenllal [or mhcummunlcallnn between exeavattm and
Alabama Power Company Ilnduground [aclhry lucatum can be ehnnnateel and nttltty ee.t saytngs ean be aehteyeel slncn the
number of second lneate teqne.ts ate rcdutcd. Provldud below D an example applteatton nnng the ALB11 Voluntary [’Os‘|tlvL‘
l<e.pnn.e Pmgmm

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