Page 10 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 3
P. 10

Alabama  membership
reduces strikes and
customer headaches 
sxan Wmsr

camon Cooke .~ .1 busy guy. In five d1ffL‘rcntmunuL‘~1n south uxhung [ac|lmc~ 1: .-am a 1m nf (mm

Huh ancnglnccnng and central Alabama, ~In:c 1991 H6» and umm our mm mp~ "

mctcnng tech wnh Covlngmn bean Involved In «mm mpccl 1.»! V _

Elucmc Cnopcmlxvc m unhty Incalmg the Cnnrc um: /\ lot of C?‘ ‘;‘*‘‘’'f ‘‘‘f‘' “_“‘ "3" }‘‘“‘‘''‘'‘f‘‘ ”‘l“‘
Andaluun, where he lmndlu tuthnulugy hm changcd ml“-1a.:z7 °‘”‘_  ‘fh‘1_““‘;‘*_ {“' "N “;‘1‘‘ V h
c\'L~Iytlung from spccxalty mutcnng yeah, but Alabanm emu dudxcatmn 1”“ d’ ‘1‘ ‘“‘ 9‘ °"‘"‘”°“h M}:
applications and commercial account to their member urgan1z:m<\n~' h.a~  “mfg! ‘h :"f“‘f"3 ““{‘P““3"  ‘“ ff“
blllmg m power quality ~'lud|c~ and mnmmcd n.»n~I~tcnk “(““"L 1" l“_“““ °" °“"‘°'l' ‘gm h_
~1.»lar puwur l’L‘L‘[L\L‘~[>.[\l'IVK1'|ll'Ig(l1I|K ““ ‘m ' ““ “P "‘ “‘°°"‘P ‘* ‘“ ‘Y

_ — "Thu aavam-e m Gus mapping have ta~k-
ban,» Icwcn 1a~ ma — pun mtcndcd .

— .~ much appreciated W" ‘°““~" h"‘P‘““ W‘ "““"d" "m- lnvu .1 meter tcch who work 1
‘ Alabama 2511 with Ilpdatcd mapping ‘ ‘ "‘

Co\'1ngmn's mumbcrehlp and 1.»f(\unacxhuc~ each month. They use “‘° “":“°,!’{“““‘—" "“’ W“; “““{‘"i¥
partnership wxth Alabama an zonunuc that Imurmauon m mm: the number of “"’Y “W “‘"“’“ *9“‘ H" W‘
to nmkc his ‘ob mm and hclp kucp la. mum that com: to u~," Lcamon sand “°‘d“‘F ‘"-‘"‘ """° “’ 2‘ “Ck” “ “Y

_ ,, and handling an 1.»! the legwork for
quiz and am rc~xdL‘nl~ ~:\[L\ In thc pa~[, thcy would ~cnd mqam.
L, 1 b _ V 1 C .5 we were the clccmc pmudcr m a "T°‘“’"f, ml’ Y”: ‘1§"‘9'°"‘«"°"‘*‘ d“"

Lnnmn um ma u n \ nvxnglon, mm" mm NW "W mm, Md ‘Mm mm m up mu : at.
which ~L‘rvL‘~ about 23,ouu cunonmrs ‘ . ‘
mquu~t~' [or am. within :00 feel of our
Know what s below
Before you dig!
»'—.<):nv‘ -1«.‘.'v'aH1 '9.‘ .;.. N‘1'x»‘
s . Aralzarvu an 2015 Issue 3

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