Page 10 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 2
P. 10

Wh B ' l ' ’ ‘~ ’ ~
Ulld a Balloon ' t ' M *
 ‘ ~ 3 2 X” , t”
Execullve Asslsmm la the can . t_ I 5::
Cm tam  \-I I ‘
hete dtd the Cox 11()lalI ballutlm eeme ttetnv The ' . >" "‘ .> t." '
~mry l~ teally tathet ~'lmplc E\'L‘Iy day ytttt dme ' _ 
down the 1'llghwt1y pamlng blIlb()ard~‘ among * I ’ 

bllIb1.»zlId~, ugrh acm~'~ tnlcka and advL‘rll~lng on nnythtng and ,

cvcrythlng ynu pas‘ lnletmntten l~' hetng tnteed at you the

whale way to y0|Ir dcstlnatlon and back. 50 we zlsknd (\uI.\C]VL‘~, , 1

"How do l get my mcsiagc acn)» Wlt1'\0|It tntetng ttv" Dnl: ~ /
day, a hut att balloon pnpped Inlo out 1'lL‘zld~! It’~ t1c~'lhL‘llct1lly fi..e

plcmlng. pcacclul and V()l‘flCK1'1Il'Igy0|I natutally eannet keep ‘

, /

yttttt syn» tttt of we wzlntnd nut damage pteventtnn ln|tlatlvL‘ to

he ~()mL‘t1'lIng that would appeal tn all age», whete the damage

pIC\'L‘nkl(\n nne..age enuld he ea.tly dlgcslcd l—lnt att bzlIl1.»<ln~

httng a ~L‘n~c of ~lnIpI|Clty lo the momcrll, artwork wlspcndcd '

tn mt W110 can my no to sunlckhlng -e bL‘autIf|Il7 ,

W: fl.»tu~ on t1w:lmnL‘~~' bCCt1|I~‘L‘ ll 15 our com b|I~‘lhC5~ Wc ' '

leeate ulllltlcs‘ and tt l~ a patt et out duty tn pmlccl the llnci  ‘
wcl1.»:zlkL\Dur damage pteventtnn lnltl£lklVL‘ l~ Mlmcthlng we ‘q 7? ‘\ \
blsllcvc tn we bcllcvc tn puhlte ~afcty and take h.».- et hte tn the \  l ~. / ‘
lndllilry vety .~ennttaly. we eleeteleel I0 take damage pteventtnn WV" _» ‘ T V g. ’

t1WarL‘nL‘~~' to the next lcvcl wlth the h(\(t1n’ ballm.»n~tn11cIp ' , gt a n " .-=

iprcad the mlewsilgc on sale eltggtng U \| _, - . .

Know what s below
Before you dig!
4‘!-1: all‘? Néetllla Kw.‘ .Ltt/tt'l»1'lt’7
8 . A/anamxfill 2015 !ssue2

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