Page 12 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 2
P. 12

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ome say, "Cnmmumcatmn is There is no questiun but that we've all disruptions in the lives of the general

our narion's liteline to bemg- liecome absolutely dependent upon public.

in-the-know." while others the communication industry to keep

say, ”Mur2 communication us intormed and together. I guess A ’“5““ ‘?‘ 53°“ “_‘t“h°"1"““'“‘_‘Y
just means more take news." Right that's why the race to provide the most °“"““““‘““ “" “ 2 °"‘ °" ""5

h . _ ha . . denied the time to tiring their resources

or wrong, ere is w t we know in liandwidth tor the longest contract at ‘ ‘h I E _ ‘h I
the field. copper, tiber and wireless the most attractive initial price seems to "if 9‘ ° “‘“}1°{‘ “'L‘h“f“ 1“ mi
teolmologies have combined both drive the communications competitors W‘ ‘°““ °‘’““’ E "‘ 2 .“°.“ ” ’

. . _ Then begins the anger pointing and
aerial and underground to create a at a iunous pace in almost every corner H m I __ 1 E
maze of ducts and lines thatsome ot the country. “"'“5°““ “W 3 ‘°“" ‘“°“ °
locators declare almost impossible to . . “Tl“d‘ “°““ “"2 hm‘ "°3d‘d by

_. _ lnternet compames, phone companies giving enough advance notice and good
adequately or consistently protect. . . .
and the cable indusrry are all vying contact intonnation necessary to get

Likely it is not possible to tor your dollars as they relate to ahead or the work and minimize the
overestimate the importance of communication. we appreciate the trustrations.

our Italian’: communications extra bandwidth and speed but E Ch . h b . _
intrasrructure, given our dependence untortunately, the race to be iirst " l‘[‘1,‘5_““f5lP ‘;‘l‘° ““‘}’1"t‘“ ‘” 3

upun it. Ills! the other day, i sat in to  an area has created some $3 In :~m;:§-ongjnofhgfe “lfh

a local restaurant next to a tamily unintended consequences tor the . I All _‘ ‘(Rh 1;‘ Lh _
oteight. l noriced the grandtather protesu-ionals working to keep :‘i’":l’f‘“;“““ .5‘ N ‘ ad ‘ ° :5 ft“ am
watching a news channel on one ot America's underground intrastructure “I: ‘:hP’,“_!‘° * 3'“ d” ““ ‘:‘h.““ _
the many ws hanging on awall. protected. 3‘ ° “T ’h.“*° 53:‘ °‘P“Lf‘ °“"
His two sons were lioth watching a A 1 L‘ I db U I m‘:"‘"‘?‘l“Lh“3 W‘. l°."_° “':1.°flfi’
spmfing Mm on imam TV and n examp e recen y ci e y a con ac oug ou e proiec is cri c o

. locator was the only norice he received ensure that other utility locators can get
tour ot the older kids were holding . . .
. that 40 subcontractors were moving in trout and shy in tront ot the protect.
their smart phones scrolling through . . .
. . into his area was the notitication
something, while the two-year-old . At the end of the day lioth the
. . received trorii the B11 center. Not '
was watching a movie on a smart M rm“ 1 mg mm was bum in excavator and locator have the same
phone while in her father's lap. ’ P * 3 Y P. ' goals. Both want to take care ot their
chaos and ended in disaster. I _ ‘h H k the H
During the an minutes 1 was there . . “'5 °"‘?"' “Y "Va" “ “P 1”“ ‘°
nus paradnxlcal lack ot communication and their employees sate.
next to them, there were very few H H M d_
wards spukenr nth-Ir than ”l>as~' me "“ “ °°"“““"‘°“ "“ “PE “ ’ surely try now. we've learned that each
. ,. ,. . to trusrrations for all involved and
the salt I thought, Nothing like _ d 1 d _ I ot us has our tnrsrrations even under
getting together tor some quality “ ''‘“°””"“' 9 “V" ""‘“5“’ “ the best of circumstances and many or
. ,. underground intrastructure anrl
tamily rime.
io . Alublmnfill am sure

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