Page 8 - Alabama 811 2016 Issue 4
P. 8

How Do Facility Owners Benefit
ll ‘ labama 2511 hm been the opcmllrlg
one eall usnlcr m /xlahama ~In:L‘ 1975
For (wcr tony yeata, Alabama tall and
lta mumbcr tanhty cunlpanlcs hzlvc
. ' pzirlnurcd m the pmlccuon ot Iuldurgmund laelhnea
. lhronlgh eelueanon, public :\wt1n:nc~s and cxczlvtlllon
. n<ltlf'l:atmn~ Hem am a tew t1'llng~ you may not
‘. know t1klmIlAlab:lnlt1 tall
- we haye ptoee»eel ()\'L‘[ 9 mllllnrl loeate ruquc~t
~lncL‘ 1975,
- we cummtly partner with zippmxlmzituly 42o
Ilullty :l.»mpamc~' acmm the «am m pmlccnng then
huned [aclIltIc~7
- Mom than 75w; ot om nmnlkllsn pay le» than
$5,0UU per year to help pmteet lhclr [acllltIc~ [mm
cxc:l\'t1llurl dzlnlzlgc, t1ndyu~tundl:r half ot out
, mcnlbch pay the minimum annual emt of mu;
‘ - Alabama 811 15 a rl1.»n—pmfi[ 501(c)h mL~nlbl:r~hIp
l nrgalllztlllon;
l - Alabama 811 la gnwurncd by a board or dlrCct()I~
V nnmlllzltlsd aml appomted nom its memhemhna who
. mt dlrcctlon and pohey ml’ the organization to let
'. ~en/e the need. nt the memhetahlp
. ‘, Wllal um thl: imllu/its efmembmmp /by facility
/ : emnm who pmtienmte wirll Aluimlmz 811?
" \ - Cmt ~avlrlg~ by ~11anrlg cxpunsca with nthet
‘ facility owner. m the eall ccnlcr npcmKmn~?
I l , I - A mbu~t dalnagc prnwcntmn and uducatlull
/ ‘ \ program ~pL‘:Ifict1lly deagned to edueate exeayaten
‘ . and ulhch on Alabam:l’~ Dzlnlagu Fru\.'L‘n(l()n Law
i El and apteadmg the ~:l[u digging mvewstlgu to dL~crL~a~L‘
4 l the potennal mt mtemapnon. and dzlnlagcs to
 Ilndcrgmurld lacllmcw;
, V l l - Nollficallon of planned exeayatmn t1:tIvltu_'~
V , « , wltllln clam pmxlmlty of your taellmea,
_. ’ - Rct1~~'IIrt1ll:L‘ that exeayatota wlll he able to eontaet
a you lhmnlgh the tall my ICC anel not lltwl: In try to
‘ make zlrloklwr n<ltlf1:atlnnmyu|I doeetly;
' ‘ll - /\::L‘~s to pui:lh(aUm7~ anel matenah to :ls~I~t1n
- mccllrlg ~t1fcty and eomphanee n_'qun'cn1cnt~7
l - D1.»:umuntatmnmluc:\tL‘ Iuqulewta my a [11mL‘ year
I pennd [or titumx and damagu ull/c~tIgau<ln~
,- , .‘ _ a _ Many tamhty 0\\'nl_'r~ rcallzc zlftcr ymmng 811 how
‘ A 5 ‘ _. - - . many clmu nu»L‘~thL~yht1\'L~llt1d in petehtlal
‘ , /2,; elamage. due In the t1mmIntuic><ct1\.'atmn zlctlvlty
‘» . 1 4 »____ y’ ' ‘ta near thclr it1:llluu~ they were prcvmihiy unawziu‘ of.
. ' . r -.2 L ' " . Many eaeayatot. who wane all met the ~l:ltL', a~' well
- . , . 3, w I
. 1 ' " .

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