Page 7 - Alabama 811 2016 Issue 4
P. 7

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I 5 , ~ Know what‘: bolmus Call lnfon you dig.
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= E Reglster For Our Free
1 ‘ Web Tlcket Ent Portal
Free Ticket """ 3““""""'
:::'— :i;r: “ _ *3‘ ‘—“
Management system  ll: '
I 3 _—‘l ‘ ._ _ 1 __ I -
provided by  I
Alabama 811 . um i
Alutlanllx at l‘s in... em.   an  24  ..
orweb, the industry's most trusted web-based rial ll 7 dagrs rt nrcclc Thl: net-rs we Furled lag in will allcni.
ticket management system, has been prepaid for access to ttaitircs on lhl: iytcitiilc App as rr l:|| To |i:l\l'r\ more
all Alabama 811 members by Alabama 811. about l-itrw ll: laLl: el(.l\ ariiagl: at this great Sl:r‘.lL‘L’. sit-npty gl:
to nrr,ir.v alsll com rinrl LlILk un web portal Lug la and sign
l<orTei-ra and Alabama 811 have partnered up to get aiarrt-is \lx.l,q_yl

together to provide KorWeb at no cost to Alabama 811's

utilities, municipalities, pipelines and all other eall center

members. As a prepaid program, One call members do

not pay tor Korweb or any support, software or upirbnt

fees. KurTerra and Alabama 81] share the joint belief that

KnrWeb software will greatly benefit bath the One Call

center and their members in improving Drganizational Top Reasons to use the Web Portal...
eiiicieney and safety in damage prevention.Members

reeeive a puwerful tool to help them manage their damage <> _ . .

prevention eiibi-ts, while Alabama 811 cut eosts assoeiated AW--1 we-Idlnx In--mm-r.v tn-e un Ilw vlw-w-

Mith responding tn requests for ticket infvrmntivn that can your time ls valuable using the web Vnrtal allow; you ro
now be provided through Kozweb. flulcklv and aeeiirarely siibrriir your rieyera, rarrier man explain

who You are and where van In wnrk.

All ticket transmission, processing and Positive Response

fLll1EUDl'I.~‘ take place online in KDrWeb.Aweb-based ¢ S b 1‘, k ‘_ ‘,

ticket management system allows tor the eiiicient and " "" " ‘ ’ "" W" “W” """

sate processing and storing or loeate tickets suceessiul Nut arlly IS your tlme valuable, buy you have a busy day ahead
locale ticket management is vital because of the severe °' v°-L Ev "SW the Web “mt W <3" W059 WW "St
eonsequenees that ensue it a facility is not accurately

reviewed and marked. Knrweb ia the inrluslrys meat

reliable system to pertoi-m these Critical tasks. <> Use the ritiiie maps tie the Altibiiiiiit 811 stiiri uses.
Benefits of Imglemenling KnrWeb’s Ticket 5llV(€ you are looking at the same maps, you'll be able to mark
Management ygfgm yoiirown work area, and no none krlaws your wark area better

than van.


with the adveritnf ticket management systems, users <> 3”" C“"'"'“"““"°“'

ean have ronfidence they are reeeiving all of their one By ioerltlrylnq your own wark area, nnthlrlg oeta last If! the
Call tickets. Akey feature of a EDn’|p!€l\2l1aiV2 ticket ”‘”5l3“°">

management system is the capability to reeeive tiekets via

FTP delivery metbnd With FTP. call center software is‘ able -Q II pills YOU in camplcle cunlmll

‘° ‘“”“" “ ““l‘“‘ ""“"' d°“‘'°’°‘l “’ ‘hg '“‘“l"“‘g "W" The web Partial was treated lor beable iiiat llke you you

 when  an .. and new  one 
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