Page 10 - Alabama 811 2016 Issue 4
P. 10

It Takes a 
ge ,  
57 Dlrecraraffiuslrless
How 811 was formed and where It can go from here. 2§,“,*;’5n”,:,",fi.§‘;;“‘”
vnvvmwn-11 whdvm ~ay»~ R mrs. utrlrty busmesses [ox praetreally eommg ln — FTTH, FTTI’, FTTB,
Elm 21 day}: to ‘imflk 6 h:b"» nothrng. DSL and so on. More than any other
°“’="“t W 0“ ' <°‘“°*‘ ° , advaneement, hber has added to the
puttrng damage preventron You can t Break The Rules If There (mm M [hm emmnm

praetrees rnto plaee, the saymg ”old Are N one

habrt. are hard to break” has never held N “M Wm In mm ‘hm WM "0 Now the run part l~ that many states
more true. _ ' mqulrc a [W0-fOUlaEPah1l|0l'I between

requrrements or statute. that sard rt hm 50 M0 Mt bmm‘ W and

c,,,.,.dc, um, ,. was Mm, 2005 you're a eompany wrth burred taerlrtres, Wu hem“ mkmm W1 1. at so
when the unrterl states Federal here are the ground rules you have to :3,‘ in’ , Wm an WW1” “f,‘h‘;,‘_ b;_m
conrmunieatrons commrssron made fulluw. lnstead, eaeh state more or less hm “i V Cabin m the Emund flu
811 the unrversal number tor the came up with the" own mks In some mpg R ‘M; mwd and mm )',,,utm
71 regronal servrees that eoordmate states there was more than one set ot dmlmg mm A mu h0W__ Y0“ Can,‘ go
loeatron rssues [or underground publre rules, dependrng on the yurrsrlretron am PM ‘ha Cwmcm .0 Wm H you
utrlrtres. Yul strll today, more than a you found yo-m<'1hn»TT-<' result la “-6! c,,,,,O,,; you 3,,’ mp ’

deeade later, a utrhty lrne rs damaged some states were tar more aggressrve ’

every ~'lx mmutes by people drggrng than others rn manrlatrng regulatrons to The Need for 311

bcfum they have gone through proper pmtm I-in hmb and PYOPCYW» To gt a “mm m the W1), 80,.’ you
P“"°‘°“ "‘ ‘°‘Y‘"5 "“ ‘"‘P“’P°"3’ That legacy rcmzlm~ today Although look a drug test, had your dnvcI’~
plaeerlormrssmgloeatormarks. _l ‘ 3, ‘d , K _ E I h I d d I i I f

we rave a \ anee awareness o reense p o oeopre an sa m ron o a

An ., no. 10.. .1.wg1.. gm. Wham homeowner and utrlrty hne proteetron eomputer for [our hour. to learn about
we started and the lmmL‘n~c amount to rarymg degrees throughout the eonrluetrve and mrluetrve eleetrrerty.

ot underground utrlrty trathe loeators eountry, ~'latn—lo»~'tatc ll's strll all Thw an '5 [Oman “MC 0 4‘ In
am-«I»   a  have made dlffmm W M do km  my Wt .,i;;   ta.» .0
huge stnde. m where we are ln damage unportant thrng; the states wrth more Md a mm Yof mm mmmmun
preventron and where we're headerl. rrgrel regulatrons and requrrements “I; map; ax: ummd —On wphmmcd
lt’~ been a heek of a lot longer than 21 l““’" ‘°“’°’ d‘“““5°‘ P”""" eleetrome equrpment and shadow
day and wc'm strll battlrng some old Underground Traffic lam people m the helrl betore berng turned
l\r1b1l~, but lam me as we take a look at mm M ct mm hm M g mm” V out on therr own.

“’1‘““ “T "‘““““ ““d ‘‘‘‘“b’‘‘‘‘‘ l“’‘”’ “" eame abouf, lr:t’~ step back am take ) These are all good thmgs. lzeeause

“T V“ °°"‘° a blxd’s eye vrew, .1 you wrll, oi the 5UlHb gorrlla m the room rs that
Hey There, M: Bell what’~ happenrng below ground My eomplranee wrth laws, saxety and


m-llhplc faction» It Wm‘ ‘M Ph°“° mrfgolleagrres aCxgos~ the natron wrll eornpetrtrve busrness and louklng to
“°'“P"“Y ‘‘’*‘° ‘‘’°‘‘ '°*'P°""""“‘>' ‘°' support me m thr. ~'lancc—ls that keep head eount low Thev're relyrng on
“‘““"‘3"“$ ““d°‘8‘°“"“ ““‘"‘°‘* tlungs are a mess down there. the tront lme eontraetor. to do what’s
"'*‘"r W“ W‘ '“"““"‘°°‘ "“‘““'“P °‘ rlg}ll—zlldramr1llcr1lly redueeel prree.
the Bell system on lanuarya, l92$2mlo Most every state has an ct1~nmv:m and WM‘ M am“ 0

19 rnelependent eompanre. wrth loeal that they allow taerlrtres urto so talee ‘ ‘ 5‘ ‘

servrees, rt was eleereled to no longer your power, water, sewer, gas, phone, Thrs rs a ehallenge based on everythrng
allow the lsells to run mrss utrlrty eable Tv and put all ot them mto that we yust rlrseussed. lt I'm a loeator, rm
trekets. There was apprehensron about easement. Then lakc today's teleeom seerng multrple lrnes lammcd rnto tlus

a eonnret ot rnterest and the eourts prorrelers who have morphed rnto great trght Ilghtoof-\'tlzly and l know rm gorng
were wary the Baby Bell. would start numbL‘r~—cach wantrng therr own to get srgnal bleed, meanrng an old
ehargrng or not allow :ompL‘l|mr% spaee rn that easement. Every trme we preee of eopper trom years gone by may
sud. as the eable eornpames that were add a player, more stutt goes rnto the eause eonduetrvrty to lump and eause
arnvmg on the s'cL‘ne~ln. ground The rssue l~ that none ot the me to rmsmarle the utrhty. or there's a


loeatron was taken out of the old Let's thmk about that. If a lrne goes bad 1”‘ ‘
monopolys hands. The Baby sell. or l~ drseontrnued, rt's rarely removed. VVl\at’~ the fix?

ousted people |n therr eompanre. lt ~'lay~ there and the owner sunply M] T0 The Rm“

who lmd been responsrble tor rms. puts a newer lme |n over rt or parallel

utrlrty treleets, trequently handrng over to rt. so now we've got both aeuve and Lc{’~ be upfront and admrt an rs not
therr offlcn equrpment and allowmg dormant lrnes m the ground. we've the cndeall, beeall fix But rt's a heck
these mdwrduals to ~tr1rt therr own also got a plethora ui new teehnology at .1 gggd mt, Accoydjng tr, the 2015

s . Alabnmasll 2016 Issued

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