Page 13 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 13

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eilherparty. Cnnseqnenlly,frustrations Nut marking the entire work sile isa enjoyzblelolaiktolhe foiks in the

uccllrred for bath the exravalnr and common occllrrenre. In many cases, ii is emce. but oft limes they dnn'I really

lucator and ball: suffered down lime as Ihe direct result cl unclear instructions know what's going on 2| the job site.

Ihe result. And the dawn lime cast but]: on the ticket and almost always so, having the cell number oflhe site
companies in their imllom lines. compounded by the lac}: nfwhile lining sllpenisur es the cunlart person on

... . . 'trl'llnll 1- 1. 'tb '1'] l.r

Io underslanrlfnrlucamrs,too.Tl|e la" _a Eolfmmckmm __msd_E J ’

iucators are looking for sperific m“;5;_“fi_imi‘m Proms agd mimfim hr this ee_.y dlmculr time cl coping‘
mfonnatmntllal lelsthem know ‘he mm] M dmmmd mlms wllh "soual dnslanrmg", never has .1

where In mark. W'hile lininw around P” . .. =. been more to minimize face

. = Ihe possnbllntvoiduwnumefnrhoth . . , . . .
a proposed exravauon area tells » . . In face dlsrussmns. While immg and
. . Ihe excavalur and iocalnr. ve hue .
Ihem where to spend tune nmlme . . ,. . . sharing em rontacl numbers can
. , . ~ . lmmg and nuhtv marking are elfeclnve —
nnderarmmdIlulmesuncethey arrive ~ . » . . . uoalongwavln) nnlunlv prnmnle a
. = » methods cl rnmmunncalmg an a pi: =  - »

on SIIE. Because the lucatnr has a dear Sm wh“hE__ law or smfi healthy lnestyle, but can create a safer
indieatinn cl the exravalion a.-ea, less ' = ‘ enviromnenl even anec we nverrome

lime is spent on areas where excavation However. there are Limes when Ihe Illis national crisis.

will nul nrcnr. This gives Ihe lnrzlur the lncalor and excavator must (all: to c

. ~ Help (me annlher uni. slcace Ihose
lime to accllralely locate Ilndergmllml one another on the phone. To make hm numlm and U V whim “mm for
laclllclesllcameed protectimldllring Ihal happen, the lnralor mnsl havea 1’_ M Eh‘ d If [3, =
excavation. good mnlacl number. Not that it's not 1”“ 3 "H" 5 *3-W
acec»,  2 Alabama an . 11

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