Page 12 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 12

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“ hen Ihe excavaliun site silnaliun for but]: themselves and the almost impossible to acruralely describe
cannot be dearly and lucalors marking their jobs. Even .-. job site.
adequatelyidentified clearandzccurale infunnlalinnrelzyed F V 1 ‘h I. kl .d .1 Vk
onthelocatetickel, verlzally nrinwritinglo nnepersnnmay d°'§;“““l‘*’f' ° '1‘V.°.:.“’d" f'“‘[‘
Ihe excavalor designales Ihe 1'-Jule nulbeclearlu znulher. 9° “"3 ° P’°P" -" ° * °“,"’-
and/nrareatn he gssmssa using V V. .‘ V V “V V }’°“:“}{’;”*;°“3'"‘¥“fl|"'”Pfi"‘?';" V
Wm PmmfingvmmnsiM_V cznpnmem _s.V rfvn 0 2 muse. u 12 as 21, run
1 . V . V d.n.s..n for excavators in eflecuvelv oi prnpenv meanl pmpsm ... frunl or
eecIromcallv(w}|en zvanlablethmngll . . ». .- , » .

» . V V. communicateIheexacllocalmnsul Ihe back lence which would Include
Ihe mierzllcenlerjprnnrln mdunng . _ _ . . ,

. . ,. mm d.|g 51125 in the Call Cenler. lmlhsldesulll|epropel‘l\'.Whenll|e
Iherequestlurlllelouleuckel. As M H "V .1). Vm .‘ V‘ V .Vdl d “-1 V H V
mumvamuhisCmm_mGm_md ar _..,,m.s,n mw Iepam can‘ sxms marrne o o ewur, ewas
A“. . , V. draslnullvdecreaselhe amnuntnfume Irustrated berausewhztheexpecledtn

lance (com Besl Pr:cI1ce(Vexs|nI1 . . — . . ,

. . . .1 mm mks to explain the exacl louuon be located was not. w hen the lncalor
nliojnsoneullheeasleslloolsymlcan [V div ,1 E ‘ .1 R _ Li V 11 db M H‘ .1 h
“SMMVMEdM,fim_mVDf‘V°_" s,o..s_ ?s.s. xac s.s.. mma on nasmflel at 0 esamesle ecanse

. - .- isnut lumterl in the address. n also Ihe uulmeshadnotheennmrkedwhere
excavauunprocess.Tl|e|q()7szleI\' . . . . . . , .
.. . . ~» - Includes speufir descnpuunswllhm Iheexcavzuonwasacutallvtakmgplace,
study‘ P.-mssung Puhluc Safetvlllrougll . -
EV» , V  Ihesueaddresssncl|asfmnI,hack. hewasfnxstmledhecauselletllnught
).ravauon Damage I-msmmn bv . . . . . —
. . » nglllor1211sldehvllenfzcnnglhe hemarkedwhattlmucketczllerlfor.
Ihe mss reached the conclusion um . ,
V k. . V . structure):directions(nm1h,ezsl|fmm . .
pxemar mg nsapxacllre Ihal helps 3 dgmnmblemdmmmmmg Dim Tluslsnottosay,Iherallerwas\wTong,
P"9"9'1‘91‘€“"3'-3°“d3'“3E9- D; _VEfmm_ and mmm _fimm”Es but it is In) say Ihal Ihe dirertiuns were
. ._ . . ' . . .. Ilnrleartn Ihe lnulur and the wrong
Exravalurswhnlaketlmumetu wlnte lrmnknnwnpumls.Someumesnls _ . .
, ., . . . V . . 5112 was located um d.|d.nthenefit
line Ihenr Jab sites (mate a wm—\w1n
la . Alabama 511 2020,  2

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