Page 12 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 4
P. 12

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eeiirate dete<ii°n and Regular bmadcasl transmissions irinai display and available tor wireless
inaplaina iii iindergrinind AM-Band transmitter lowers are up-link ta SIDlnr's Processing Archiving
iitilitlea reinains a limiting highly eiticient tar electromagnetic service center (PASC). The misc
teelinologv laarrier tiir illurninatian at subsurtace utility lines can augrnent and revise as-built rnaps

tedny'=' Cniriinirn Grniind Allinriee and structures within a radius DE tens and assist AMG localor technicians
(COM =‘tal<elinlder»~v exeavatera‘ of iaiiles. The huriznnlal electric-iield with interpretation and training.

and liiarizontal-drilling damage component of these transrnissipris Additionally, the hand-held and push-
Preventlvn Dlrieetivea Tlie 1013 DlRT penetrates the sail suzmunding all cart tools can be used In inap ahead of
report identified 5ll9rlJ0°+ daniage inetallic and non-rnetallic utilities excavation and HDD drilling in reduce
ineldenter tip -‘niiri 439r0'J0+ in 2017- and undergnaund structures. The crim-bores.

The repnrl estimates 21% of utility - _ » g V
dariiage incidents were attributed to  AME Dmliivmant “"4 0'52 5F"die5
liieating errorar and 37% are related which generates a scattered During prz-Construction ground

in excavation l>rixe»~'>ea- Tlie reaiilta electromagnetic field. Communly clearance, a inaibr Us cunstructmn
were mnilailed froin virliintary reterred ID as "passive detection," curnpflny §ig'nif|cnn[ly damaged
intnnnatinn: rnoat lileelyr darnage mat the fields are readily detectable with active utilities at the Los Angelzs
eailinates exeeeded $1-5 lallllen lri ZlJl3 specialized receiver antennas and a world Aizpnrl (LAWA). The original
as eiallateral damage mat ineiirred lay low-noise iaiulti-channel receiver. The inilitarized AMG tunl was then oriered
near-by prnlaerty Dwners liave been antennas theinselves are ditterentially far evaluntiun of its detection and
arnitted- Cnnventional locating trials connected and operated in a vertical- inapping capabilities over large areas
ineliide radii? deteetnra (RDL groiind magnetic-dipole configumtiun (VMD); within the airports air-side cpinplex.
Penetrating radar (Gl’R)r aeiiii»~‘tie- this tunl is referred to as an AM-Band The results provided detection,

based sensars, specialized cameras, Gmdwmm, (AMG, and rm been mapping and “pm pmdmm of

and P°ll‘°ll“S 9<1“lPl“°“lr Often even developed by stolar clabal Imaging, metallic and non-rnetallic targets
diiwaing nida are iitiliaed- l'liiWeVerr LLC (Stular). AMC. tools are integrated beneath the 2-tt reinforced-concrete
tlieae eenventlnnal tnels Will lae Seen lie on several types of platturrns, including tarrnac. Lucatinn results pnived to
eeinlaliinented (lint net relvlaeedl by tlie hand-held wands, push carts, luw prbvide a lateral rzsulutlnn of z-cin and
revirliinonary and evnliitienary AlVl- tlying drones and traveling vehicles near-surface depth prediction accuracy
“and Gradiiiineter (Alt/lC-) tinil- The acquired data is available in "renl- of about l/E-it (some error increasing
Hmg what W,“ lmmed riiaie" an a graphical user interface with depth). The AMG detection results

10 . Alubamafill 2019, Issued

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