Page 11 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 4
P. 11

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pte.entatmn |s pttmaled In the smkc Feedhaek stem the rneettng lott11~' much quteket and have the abxhly to send
smkca has been ovcrwhclnungly pusmvle‘ z\cm~'~ the board, tcrufitatcs of attendanee ta anyene nccdmg them wnhln
Wllh sonic flaking that the IL‘lca~'cluok.~"]usll1kc" the real ,u.t a rew dayi et the tomplcllnn oi the nIcL‘l|ng.


‘ ‘"3 Ifyou work, lwc ()1 mapund te ateaa whete p|pL‘llnc~' ate
Addmanally, the |mplL‘mcnlatmn nr Pull EvL‘r_vwhcIc, 1u:atcd,plca~'c attend tl\c~'c APACT mccllngi In the tutute
pnmale. a mun: lnlcm:l|vc way to receive ent pm and Any c><ct1vat0I, public etnetal at emetgene 'map()ndcr1a
pent mcrslmg survey IL‘~p1.»n~cs and hm been a gmat weletnne te attcnd. You an have rules” Efi

change. I-en Evetywhete has‘ alluwcd m to an~'wL‘r eaeh

Fet n\()mInf<un1z\m)n abent vnur 1aea1 pnaehne
qae.tmn via text, and the t1n~wcIs am shown maI—umc en —
the ‘mm npetatet APACT pt1rl|c1pank.~, p|pL‘hnc mcldcnt lmlmng
opportumlms, what pmaaet. lho~'c opL‘mtor~ ate
La.t1y, Alabama 811 ~tt1rlcd uung a tablet ngnan prom» transporting and ()khI:r|nf()rn1t1l|un, pIea.e vmt www
starung In 2018 called Enetteeh 5xgni\tuIL‘,wh1chht1~ Hp/1((pIpt'lIm'flwm um (um tnt murc|nf1.»rmam.»n et eontaet
anawed m te gum more accumtc hcadcmlnh, get Mekay Lyvcxs at M11141/A'1,H((Uflm11 (Um.
Know what s below
Before you dig!
A N G A 8 I 1 o
—‘-H: tma Mzzma‘ ,V(‘,* ~'4<'(Y|’\H'x  W
2019 lssuel Armamssu . 9

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