Page 5 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 2
P. 5

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W  H ( } I(nmunl|IlI‘lbdow. calllnfanvnudifl.
meeuve Inna l,1D1B,Alnbama an began
hosting a vuluntnry pnsilive response .
pmgram usable through the GeoREmmE Web Reg1ster For Our Free
Penal un uur websne. see the article in this .
edmw far mm wumwfiun Web Tlcket Ent Portal
x........»...... 8" xanavuu-uh 1‘
The new B2stPmc|1'c2sior darnage pneyenuon
312 HEW flvallflbifi for dvwnlmd DY Fwd COPY Alabama 51 re Web Portal gmes you an am-ea 24 hours a
Lhmugh day ,/ 7 days a week The use-re web PD1’l'.\.|‘LVg)fl wxll afluw
> > > am.-eas m ream.-ea on me Mobue App as well To mm more
Alsn v-su ccws webs-me «n «ma om haw you Abaut  .0 we adxvantagc Lu’ Lhxs great scrvlu-. an-nply gn
ean became invnlvzd and suppnrl sums e: la www alsu cam and click on wee Portal Log In and ’Sxgn
the damage pmvenliun anmaayea ennenuy Up‘ to gut st-med mdavt
Bmuee no one knows your work area hem than
Top Reasons to use the Web Portal...
<> Amid spending ||nnn-cl-sury mne un Ihr phone.
Vaur me .5 vamable. Usmg the wee Perla! almws yea ta
eaemy and accuralelv eaemn your uckets, rather than exmam
who yea are and where yea wanna work.
<> Suhlnil nek.-us an ynur awn name.
Nat anlv .5 vaur ume vaiuable, eay yea have a easy eay ahead
‘ er yea. ay usmq the wee Portal, yea can eneeae vaur mast
. mrwement {me la suhmxt your mlnrmanan.
‘ <> Use me same lllnps as um .-\|a|1xunn xu mu uses.
Smte yea are Iankmq at the same maps, yawn be awe to mark
‘/our own work area, and no name knows ynurwerk area better
. than yea
O 4} Ben»: Culnmunicalian.
ey menaryme vaur own wark area, nammq gets Vast m the
when HI!!! call 811
“N073 mgflmfl 4} n pm vou in mnplm cumrul!
Yhe wee Portal was created Ior veamejust hke yea yea
zhaase when yea ee .2 and how yea define a.
2015 lssue2 aaaama an . 3

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