Page 16 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 3
P. 16

K11 worker was trapped in t1 trench cave-in on or near your construction site this ufterrumn . . .
ATE YOU Prepa red .
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ra.s;rttaraaa.- or Tins ttmnllltlrpholo l<]mml) nytrbultl n Ntllthfllmltlltl Thu .,a...a W... arc a..rt.r.p....r much Nmnwls a..t.,,wmr.»p fillttlwnclv 
rmtnc mlmm m Nut to lmllhmv toja/cm DullIIntht$<tcllt‘D1lzlwlrmtlllow ofvoul /obsm‘;
2I'~ assume your company has an ereellent satety Lrkewise, stop or detour all tmffic that might ereate
program You'v2benn (mined and destgnaterl as vibratlons and eausea secondary c2|vtz<in
the "Competent Person" ans.te.All the workers _ DO NOT Wimp‘ In dig ‘he “mm wlwm‘ a
an yourerenrhave,ltlrewtsebeen appropnately b Rh 1 Th 1 Vi“ (11
trained rrenoh proteetton systems (slopmp, shanng or ““ ‘:f°’.“t°""“ "‘ "‘T“‘*’"‘’‘“ ‘““> ’ °’
shteldtngl are In use You even have an emergency plan “‘1“" “ V“ ““
in plate, and so on. New. I215 also assume that another - Do not remove the victim's tools or equipment
eontraetar near your site has Iaktsn a few shortcuts untll rescuers arnve at the scene. such ttems ean be
suddenly one at that contractors workers eomes yzlllng. helpful in lucatlng the victim.
"A man's heen hunedl we need your help!" .
ln addttton, the folluwlng mtormatton should be

what do you du? Below are some suggesttons eallected

- stay calm . Number of workers trapped

- Take charge ui the lubslle untll [mined reseuers . where the vtettm(s) was last seen

arrive at the seene. (Flmfightzrs and rescue teams otten 1 h

refer to thts person as the ”lncid2nI commander/') ' T“ “"“‘ ‘ °"‘’‘““‘ °““"“‘

- cet everyone out of the trenoh and aecount for all ‘ T1“ “*P“‘ °‘ ““ "‘“°“

workers. . sotl type

- call 911 and/aryaureumpany's rescue team and . An esttmate ofhowmuch soil has collapsed on the

report the cave-in. Be prepared to have someone meet ‘,,Et.,,.

the tramed rescuers at a readtly tdentu'-table address or

landmark (tr the construetton site ts dlifitult ta find). ‘ T1‘? Prmnce of any Potenimlly 1-amful

- l<eep everyone who ts not rhrectly myolved In the .
rescue at least 100 feet from the trench or zxcavatlon. ‘I l'~;°""°“ ““d ““““““°“ °‘ "“ “““’“¥‘°“"“
Ill) es
- shut down all equipment except pumps used tor
removmg water In the immedtate vinnlty at the cavern Then" my be a very Sim:-s I-=ml>talI§=n to lump down
mto the trenoh to try to d|g out the victim. DO NOT
14 . Alubamxsll 2a17,!ssu:3

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