Page 18 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 3
P. 18

Main Ruptures and ’Cranky
Plesltlsm‘ ms Nnw, In:
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aler mam bmalo are In years and you’vL‘ gal aa exhau.«eel
lmpurlant too’ Not cmw beraae «he mpalr work ean be 7
only «ha« «hey am pmlty completed and In some ease. even " ‘_, .-
common Ask any water smlea

opnratur and they'll «ell you, they

happen at the  Intznectluns aaa Vf:‘j'k$“;; if 1 {fly “";?=*“s §'°"P


As an old walcz guy, Yvc had more llmllcd hands and pexwnntl, «hey wem ‘ ‘S V i _ _
«hah my ~h2|rc of zupalnng Wale: mam mqulrcd to figure out how to malmaln l ‘ .
baeaks |n «he eoleles« pan of winter then sys«ems so «ha« when emergeheles

whcn: «he warmest plaee to .-«aael was occurmd, they could focus on «he break I

In «he daeh full of water |ry|ng [0 pm and not «he flaws In Lhelr sys«em. ~ , I

“ ‘lam?’ °" ”'°."“’°‘ M““—" “"“"‘ Hnmls one sueh walcr supenh«eadeh« ' 5.‘. ,
couldn «evea slow «he v«lamr down ,, ,

He told me, The bmaks In our sys«em

beeause lwas unable to find «he shutoff b ‘h ‘I f

valve or «he valve w.1~' frozen open. §:‘:m;m’:::f:d ‘;y“§:‘:,::£°n°’E‘‘hCr *

In some of «he larger munlclpalllies, way it's Important «ha« we mpmx «he '

«« may be aeeessaay |1.) ~11uIscveml break as qulck as Is pomlble."

valves to slow «he volume cf water to a of mm ‘hm mm“ findmg an the

ruptumd plplz. l« «akes appmxlmalely _ _

valves In hls sys«em, whleh win an

25 tums to close an elgh«-meh gale ‘

V , _ Lmgmng« a« «he tune of «he v .
valve Multlpl). «ha« by 15 or 20 valves . «
«ha« 1\av:n’lb2£n cxeznsed 01’ located ‘“‘°"'“‘“" T1“ "M P}‘"‘“ °‘ ”‘° ‘’’°'“‘ ,

w.1~ very «h«eaes««hg.
1s . Alabarvusll 2017 Issue]

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