Page 17 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 3
P. 17

I -.xv=x1s-ya 5, E 11111  "5§“ ‘E =5“  
   3:511 1:111: 1    ‘lug ii é an.‘
1 5y Steve Eenue
Dlstorted Locate Tones
11e11 we 11111111 1 111e11e 1. suspected, 111e11 11.11111 111e "Extended 1- Th“ “"‘“>' °}‘““8‘“E d"°“"°“ '"
11111e 111 .1 buncd 111111111 we depth technique” can lmlp. “CW5
 Emmm depth tflhniqua 2. E1ee111111 e111..- 1111111111111 111 cablmg
- » 111 1 1:~
111 1111. 11e111 111.11 we 11e1ee1 w11e11 we an: ,1 “mph. 1,“. my Cgmm ,m..1,.,d, P P
111111111 Iucalmg. 111 an 111e11 world, 111e “km E dcpd‘ madmg fl Emma level’ 3. Indumve and rapaemve bleed ever
Mgn-1| mrhatea out mm the utxhty m a 111.e 111e 111111111 1 1111111111 dhlance, .111 0‘ ‘°°“‘° ‘°““
“‘“° P'“d'“‘“b‘“ ‘*'“>'- A“ “W ‘°“‘“°" 1ft1 note the new depth reading» If the Cllangmg 111111111111 1. me ea.-1e.1 111 11e11
are hd1u~'ted and ml-bmed mum-us 1nd1catcd 11ep11111.1. 11111111e1e11-ea by 111.1}, nm mm, ,5 1,, me md,,,g,
thus -~' the me However. m the real 111.11 11111111111, 111e 11111111111111111 .111111111 Whm 11,2 .,.,1,1V ,. no. dm,,,,..,,g 50,
Wer1d1 the Mann! ts very often dnstozted be treated 111111 e.11111111. T1111 .1111p1e 111,1 awav 1111111'11e1111. "T." 11 .-111111e11
W111111 e.111 lnad 111 .~e1111ee. 1111111,; located mcmd W,“ .dm1.;y d,,.,,md add dmgfla ;n dnpm me MPH ‘ht “my
In the Wrens poet-en er depth eve11111 111111111111 w11e1e111e peak/null .1.1f.1,11.C, away gm. me dE1,,a.,o,. '
Them m a numb” of mchmqm am m1:hn1qrL‘ 11111111 .-1111gg1e, 1111 1n~t11nc1: 111111 11ee11 111 be.
can be 11.e11 111 111e11111y .1 11111111111 1ie111. §’ ‘ff!  ‘“‘” “t‘f““b'” °";“:l“gm E,m,,m1 cm, 1,md,,,g_ 1-ht hm Way
lw-ll explain a few we)“ hm We ‘M ’ ’°’“ “ "1"" '"'° "‘ 3' 111 11e.11w11111111.1111 mmovc 111e e111.1
111e1e am 11111e1.-, 11111 Lhese am 111e 1111e1- "‘’°‘’*‘ °‘ b*"°“’ ““ “"8" “““‘>'- bond,“ ,1, gm, 11,1 milm, you Wm .0
‘“‘“‘ 3” mlvsis 111e11e 1111 be 11-1.1111e11 Re1111v111 -
. . 3 cm»
p,,,k/M,” m;,,,,»,,,,, ""5 mm. mmPmmd/ and , gum 1111111111,; 1111111111 pumlblc 1111 p1pel|n1:a
. .111111e1e 1111e 11111111 111111. 1111111111111
Mm mm“ mm [mum hm 1111, .1; 1111.}e: ;11l1d11.Ly 111.11.;1111e11111. PM|HEPmh Pow” Em NEW 1'
horizontal antenn-1~ that we a good Q" “““ )2‘ ‘  ° ,‘ “"“,'“b: “[1 1.1111pe1 w1111 111111111; 11111e.. 1111111111.-a
1mcn~1ons. .- 1111 11 .1111 .1 e 111 1e
pmnsc ~Ign21lt1\11lm11x1m1z1csIhc 11.11 I I _l M 1 . | h (1 to do ,0’
graph madmg 1111111111111 111111111 1111 virvsef C; 6 D; W at T1}; ‘e
.11.: .,..1..,1 T1.1,1a1..D hm H mm; v at mm -va» more » e Blnud over. 1111. 11111111,: occurs w11e1e
mm“ L1.“ (mam. a mmmmm hi" 11111111 new~ 1. T1l11e11g11 e11g1111e11- 1-1111111 weed. 1e111.1 1111111 111e 1.11ge1
gm, ,m1,,,g W1“, M, L1,c.,,,,,,,,, me damn c ma work fun» and 11111111 111111 11 111,111.11 lmn 1111. e.111.e.
The MD M mfemd to aa Wk am p1e.e111e11 111e 11111111111111111 111 1 Mmplc H .m,..d,,,y (.,,,1m 1., gm .,,},,.},
nun modes’ “K, mm mm mm“ to e111111 coded 1111111111. e.111.e.- 111.1111111111 The 11e.1w1y 111 11e11
bc .111ee1e11 by 1111111111111 111111e 11111 cm“ 1,1, WP}. ,..d,m.,,,g W/,,..,.,,,1a1 wnh tlm ta by reducing the frequency
,1,C Wk, ,1, WC [end 1., mm,,,flgL. .1“. ammo" 11n11e111e.11e 11111e 11 me effects 111
M D, the Wk made 10, mumy‘ e1p1e11111ee 11111 mducuvn Coupling
Howeve1, we e.111 11.e 111e 1111111111111e Blue her graph mdmatmg wme reduces w1111 111we1 fmquuncles.
,0 MP mmmy dmmd mm. as 1111111111111 111 11e11 111e 1111111111111111 w1111 see111111y 11111111 .-111e 111e 11111111111 11 111e
‘hc [W0 mam pmmum W,“ mmdc e.111111111. gmund 1.- 11111 away 1111111 11111111e.111 111e
w11e11 111e1e 11 1111 11111111111 11111w11111e Red ha, gmP1,,,,d,m,,,g mc,,,\,E we-e vmmty M the s|gr-alWI1lehe°~'e
dhplacnd 111 1 dwloztnd 11e111. T112 111111e ammo" as do "01 mm ‘M to hxtrh a nde on the one neareat the
111e pe.1k .11111 111111 locate 111111111111. am ,,,;o,m,,m with flake-
111.p11eed, 111e 1111111 .1g1111 111.1111111111. Dhmmd flgmh am a mm mm“ Lastly, mmmbc, am ‘I ,5 my mm ‘D
The H a good technique but can be 111 1111.-111ea1e., 11111 11 we 111111e1.-111111 l‘"‘’“ “ P”‘°“" d‘°‘°".i°" ""1 "gm"
fouled by iymmetrtehl dmertmn Th-~' 1111.11 causes 111e111, we 1111 mmgale 111e11 5“ ““”“>" “‘““‘ “" ““"‘°’“°“ W‘ “'3
can 111111, 1111 111.1111ee, w11e1e 111e1e mm... mth me» fl
are two locate esn-1151 er-e rhrenly “mm ammo“ H “Md m mm 1/11111 have 111111111111 11 111111111111; 11111
above orhehvw the target hne» it this _; * ‘ 11111 111 fztlc 11 111111111 1111111,/111/111111
1111111 way~. , ,
turtfnrf SICVC 1'11‘ 5ICV('.II('nZte(KU 1I‘(7111‘.tLm1.
21111 111111 1111111111 . 11

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