Page 21 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 1
P. 21

I M‘
" ‘i ' A D3. 130
mu mmmbu “mug at my that and lcamlng about hnznrrl.- and
desk um day W,“ mm Wm pro«ee«ron. some good prnenee.
the ~‘niind of ii large apparent 1 Prepare an Emugcncv Aenon Plan
L‘xplo~Ion. Slrangnly, «ln. we. no« ,0, mm M, A, P,€.pmm,',,, mmw
iincommanwui office was next door «he plan rloennren«. for «he location
‘ to ii trash enmpaetion statinn which of nll Cxwllng n«rlr«re.- nnrl «he .-peeme
l _ Periodically blew up when ~'t>me item lncatloru for «he work «a be pnrioxmcd
,,\ ‘' that him not ~'iil>pa~'ed to be in the A pm-plannlng rneenng w.«h utlllty
“‘ mmvaetni anmehaw made it into the owners‘ that havn Iacllmci In «he dlg
‘  x. _ mmvaetni Biit this time Wm diffeient area would be n prudent rnove o. well.
. >—€=:- «‘ o The ground and «he bulldlng all monk
-: I . ' '- . dgnlfltanlly«e «he wnnd ito-elf 2 Ni-itify and Wnih with any 1i~‘ted
J * memmg d|s|ant. VVllhm an minutes, we Pipeline operators in your exravatinn
/ * ‘ henrd «he ncw~ that «here had been an niea- “getifyk thei}i1i at 3‘'‘’‘" Sweeter:
,._\,.. . explosion nearly 25 rnrle. nwny, and .« type 0 war me e ii e an type 0
. '9 Wm. Mom‘ eon.«rue«ron eqnrpmenl med leg,
* 5 rhreeuonnl dnll vL‘r~ua open em).
I Two workL‘r~' xunnmg n bulldozer wr«h
n npper n««nehrnen«, pmpaung for «he 3 Mk the Pipeline nveintoi if they
lnslallalmn M E fiber opne lrne, had will have ii mvieientative there (in
V’ _ mpmmd fl Z5_md, gm m“,m,,.,mn curtain cases, federal law may mnnrln«e
» \, ‘ ~ llnc. The go. « hne a ’EFl:'}““"‘i““T being on ~'ite nlihei;
 ens.-eros.ed «he propo.ed cxcavallun Wei ms in Pmximity to a pipe me
~ilc. The nxplualon and ennnng fim had an yeti awmaehr dis ever and work
. lllemlly comumed «herr budlns, lnavlng immediately past their fnei1itie~- Invite
. ,1 1' only small pIll:~ uiash Something had them taa safety meeting-
’ " ‘ gone very Wrong Then‘ We» miieh 4 con«ne« «he appmprmlc nmcrgcntv
. T: ~'Peeiilation iezniding the mine and rnedrenl rcipnndezi far «he ~Ilc(s) .—p '
rlrrcenng eonelnnon. were reached. that my in Mm 0; you, Wm
« T1,“ and ,,m,,M Mm formed my Also, rnvne «hern for n .n«e«y rneenng.
\ ' views (award sdiery nnrl «ownrd A~ mntmcmrs, we get mimh t°_
_ cxcavalmn Although renred from «he the intiieaeie~ at the one, but a fin:
-  -~ . day-to-day npcmllun, l am prnnleged «o m~'P°iidei enming there far ihe tint

.r« on Oh|u’~ one cnll Law znlorcnmunl lime Wt“ ii°t be»

board And as l heat ernnplnrn«. where 5 Mummg Sam, and plammg
exeaiintoii are working around medium lnrrldle. bncomn even more ennenl
and high l»ie»~siim sii~1ine~Jthiii|< haek dunng n><cr1vatlon.Thetlm£lo~1to

«o «hr. .ne.den« and adieu llkn r«. M huddk W,” be ,m,Pmmd by

The rules and safcgunrda Ea well n. ““PY°V°d Pindiietii-m-

«he be.« prnenee. for worklng around 6 pepm my dflmflgC~/ mmd 0, Mn
underground nnhne. nre tntltal and nll “mmd, ,0 the mm}, mm Damn“,
cxcavaloh .hrnrld understand «he Inks Mn [0 the Pmmm mung on M
they taker the nski that their emPlnyee~ prpehne, can enn.e en«d.«rophre iallum
and «he publlc nre cxpumd «o and down the md_

«he proper mnlhods to avoid «hern.

A “mph, u,,dC,,.,and,,,g 0, pm 3“ con«rol all of «he vanablI:~ you enn and
plots» r. a good «an, ye« «he nxlco for be vmpaied far the “"L‘><P?Cmd_» There
mm..,,g m.,..d Ea. pm, in mm am many be.« pmtlmes and «hr. nrnele
complex nnrl nnore dumrmdlng and for only iewesenti a few» Setting yniinelt
good ,m.,.., up for .neee.-. .. ennenl to a good


srnee 20U3,PHMSA1\ao co».-ponsored W mm W

RP 1162 workshops (RP foi Ml «pl uimltlq mlvvlln: on ,r.nnr.n ofmc com
Reetimmended 1’niE'i=e5)> Theie i» e l ml 5 CU Mt rm. how tmiuifol «mm «ll... rr
,;ren« denl ofbcncfit rrrnn almndlng won

2019 Issue 1 Alamma an . 19

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