Page 20 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 1
P. 20

New Re gulatlons
nymnn men
n my last amele (wntten In Installed. when .y.1en.. designed my hnw enn they po~'s|bly cnhancc plpzhnn
Isevtemberle l mentioned vnry low pm~surcs (about 0.5 pflg) am aaicty?
cxplu~'mn~ m Maasacllusetti From ex Acd |o rmaurc orders of a In 1121' _
the Nauonal Transportation Safety ,,.::n,..,dE 25”“, 50 Pflg), my bid l°<=l< lot Al’l Rl’ 11/ 3 Ptpelme

Board (NTSB) web me "On September dung. happen. It appem that tlu~ may Sam)’ M“"“S°"‘““ 5Y‘‘“"‘’ “’ b“

13, 2013, about-1 p.m uaslexn dayhghl have been what neeuned. ‘“‘°‘l’°”“d by ‘“‘°"““ ”'°"““‘ ‘“'h“
mne, an ever-pmsure of 21 Inw- W“ lam-

Prmm mum, gas dhmbum“ There wen: many |ndIvIdual~ mvnlved By um um you mad “M PHMSAB
.y.1en. occurred in the City oiL.1wmncc 1“ tlte deatgn and Implementation of GM hpdm Adm”), Comm“
and the «awn. ofAndovcz and Noah the P-pelme replacement ptaxeet Tlte (GPAC) Wm hm mmplmd amp“
Andovex m Maa~a\:husL‘ll~ um N753 Wtll ~'ttttltt°ugl1|l1em all and ‘hm days of hm“? mgming
mnned n. fires or explo~Ions' at uvnr so tilt--13/ltdgntgy tndtvtd-alj wlnihwere Pmpwd c1m,,8,3, [0 ga, P,pd,,,c .amy
luc.1l|on~'." The |nvcsl|gauon .. ongoing. sat ty 0 an» or amt»-one at mgummm ‘hat mgmmd in Aug“
On November 14, 24:13, NTSB hsund an °°“"'l’“‘°“‘ n“‘‘‘‘ W“‘‘ ““"‘““’“"' 2011. Mavbe pm. of the final nne
urgent Safety Reeammendatmn Report l’°““'“’ “ml l"°“°d‘”"‘ “““ ‘°“” }‘“"“ wxll be p.;bh.hee1 in 2019. snmeume.
(SW, By ‘hm, mm mfmmmm W” and .-honm have been followed Other Pmgm‘ mm A LONG mm

available ”Tl\e sysmm ovcrprcsaum Pmeed-tre~ were fallvwed

dflmflgcd 131 ,t,,,c,um,/ ,,,d,,d,,,g a, Em, dapm bmcfinm 0 mm unm next umc, remcmbnrtlmln ..
least five lwme~ that were destn-wed enmpnehend anyone mvolvnd wanung "‘“““ hm“ ‘° 1*‘ “ “M” ‘W “‘““‘“‘

In the my of l-awrente and the town» IhIngal1kI:tlu~tol\.1ppr:n nn then ‘}“‘“ ‘° “°‘ ‘l“"“ l’° ““““" ““°“5"’

of Andaver and Nvrtlt Ar-rlaver Mv-wt watch — no mallcr their role), very bad 1; aumctlung does not scnm nghl, SAY
cf Lhc damage we. a mun of .-nnenne ,h,,,g, happened 0, DD wmcd,mg_, ‘

fires Igmled by gm-funlnd appliances.

SM”, ,,,,,m,m,. Wm dc,,my,3d by W}IaIdona|taIlmc.1n7 Hnman. am not

natural gm explchlnns. one pnxwn Petleel We Al-L "take mtstakea» M01‘ [alm I/zcabz renmijmm PHMSA.

was killed and at lem 21 mdwuduale, It-t~tal<e»~ tame ltttle ltam-» Wltalevet For qucsflznvzs Dr eammms, cmml
mcludmg two firefighters, wem "“~tal<e~ ‘We made (and them “W1 ‘P ,,1zeobzzwsbeg1amzr.m

transponsd to the hn.pna1. seven oLhex have been many) added up to a lwmble

firefighlexs mcewed mmur Inyurina." outcome-

why dud an. happen’ How can .-mnhn Tl-e l‘tlT5l3 Wlll raft-»l7t1:}¥St"ll;\I~'Vl1lllt»dt‘e}:taftl 
£vL‘nL~ be prevented m the rnnnez The Name We ntx year» M - en t 1

purposeofLhcNTSB1nvnaug2|l|un1~tu numemu~cun«nbu--ustactcwnawntt g E 3 I15
WW6, mm M, qmuom. fine numlr:mu~ :ctcumm£ln:l2|l|nna. g 

ew Ie|n2.sac'r2uaIons _

In my opmmn, the .-hon amwcr .5 W,“ aI1J,,:,,, [e,m,n1)),b§PmPu,2d 9, 9 4 2 5 3 V 1 5 7 3
human etwn Cast "on PlP° waa being and enacted. w.u pxpclmns be any +1’ 3 5 1 5 g 7 4 5 2
replaced with modern, rnlxable plum: aaiez’ Ihopn so. Tlmlamd,1iIhI:n£w '5 4 2 - 6

We» There ta ~peealatmn that the regulations are so tomplnx am they can 2' 7 5 E ‘ 3 9
exhttng PlL“>“l”° ~'en~'or~' were left tn be understood Lmly by mdxvxduala with 4° 
Plate on tlte ald pipe and tlte new we ycaxs 1.vilram|ng or by the mdlvlduah E 
did not have stmtlat preasate ~enwr> whn created them m |he I-int placn, "'

1.: . AI.manus11 2019 Issue 1

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