Page 17 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 2
P. 17

azwcfr gas, waler and lelephune so-called ”bad arr " coneern. rnelude uulille. "stay legal” wuh OSHA.

and eleelne lmca. Prlor lo the start 100 lilllc oxygen, loo rnueh oxygen, 5“? ,3 _ Carefully Analyze me

of actual cxtavauon work, utlllty flammable gases‘ aueh a. rnelhane and S ,1

cumpanles mu~I be contacted wlth narural ga. and Ioxlc gasm such as “‘

adequale, e.-lahllahed, or cualomary hydrogen .-ulnde and rarbon monoxlde. An arnponanl responsibility for the
loeal lead times, tlmn advwcd of Atmosphenc re.-ung along wlth the u.e carnperenr Pezwn h «:11 analyahs.

Ihc pmpuaed work and aoked to of venulauon cqulpmznl, are two of the E\n:n when slupmg, solls analyala r. the
delerrnrne Lhl: loeauon of Lhc utllltms. most eornrnon and lmponanl melhods very flrsl .rep ln ehoo.-rng a proleeuve
All underground utllmes mual be of addrcsung hazarduu. or polentlally system.

proleeled, aupporlcd, or rernuved lo hazaxdnui alrno.-pherea H‘ h d d N K H V _
Pmlm Wmkm ere are un‘ re a o r eren ypca

- WATER ACCUMULATION 7 mi gall OSHA |S eoneerned wrrh pm

- ACCESS gr ECRESS 7 The.e are ,u.r warken mu~t nor work ln trenches or fuur 7 Stable Rock, Type A, Type E and
fancy word. for cnlcrlng and exrung an Excavations where them |S accumulated Typl: C.

cxcavallun. Trenches and zxcavatlons walcx, or where rrarer |S aeeurnulahng, OSHA _ _ 1 C P _

deeper than ioux reel require a mcr1n~ unle..- arleouale pmcautlons are laken E W ‘l‘ ‘° °'“P’=““l‘ °:l‘°“ "‘“°‘
of acct» and ngrcsa. Alon, each worker If the ereavauun work inlerrupl. (In: P” °""‘ “‘ °““h"“‘ "‘°l““ ““ °““
must he wllhm 25 feel or a ladder, nr1tuzr1lflowoi~uxiac2 water, then :‘l“"““‘ “*1 “E 95”" “‘“ " “j““_V“‘““-
ramp or «arr Eaeh means oraeeeaa and dlvcxsiun dltches, drkea or other rnean. ‘“““‘"° Ygf“ °"‘P’=‘f“‘ °”°“
cgmas must be wltlun a ororeererl area may be mquimd In keep water out. H“ a~~“';;j 1" W01” 5;~€ ~5°,,";";> at"-1

amume a re 501 la ype . n ae,

- VEHICULAR TRAFFIC 7 worker. - ADJACENT STRUCTURES 7 many ronrraelor. and utllllles lake the
exposed to lraffic rnu.-l be pzovldcd The dablllty ol aldcwalks, ~‘tm£l~‘, poullun that us all Type c.

wlfllr anrl nnu.-r wear, wamlng or adpainrng bulldlnga, walls and alher .

other hrghly vl~lble garmsnb Slgns, alructllres can be redueed by ereavauon 5“? “4 ' U5‘ ‘ P"°‘°““’* SYN”
algnals, barnradea and/or llagrnen may operauon.-. speerahzed alluring Wm, one ma,,,,.,.., QSHA ,,3q.,,m.. ,1“
also he rcqulmd. ay.slem~, braelng and/or underprnnrng uan of proreeuve systems ln all lrenrhe.-
, FAUJNC LOADS 7 wmkm am 1:1;-d~\‘A;= Iricmztfblllw gnd ienxeealfilron. that are dcclpcr Lhan
nol perrnmed unrlernearh overhead Wmkm’ ’ P "2 1 1- \= =><ccl>lmn mvo we

loado. In addltlon, employee. mu~I ’ ' ff "=~ _°’ °"“""“_“",“‘,,‘l“ =l;}3*C "(kt
atand away from equlpmnnl belng - LOOSE SOIL on ROCK 7 Spell " ‘}:"*‘ ‘‘‘‘‘l“‘‘°‘l‘l‘/ : ° ‘B? _‘‘:)I‘“ "Y k
loaderl or unloaded from vnhldea. pllL‘~(r1nd equrprnenl) mual be set baek W“ V°’“‘“ W" ‘' “‘ “°‘°- ““ “ “C

at lcaal two ion! from the edge of a “ “"“"“"Y W“

- WARNING SYSTEMS FOR MOBILE mm‘ M mmum A d E h ,_l _
EQUWMENT 7 Wm‘ mbdc . In  a lrened or nxcavatlon r. C»
equrprnenl h operalcd near the edge - FALL PROTECTION 7 walkway. “““ V‘ M °’=P}r“‘ Pf°‘“°“"‘ °>*‘“"‘
of an zxcavatlon and «he equrprnenl wnh alandard gur1rdmil~ are mqulrcd “ “'1' ‘.“T“'"d ‘“ °"" ° “ '’‘’‘°‘‘‘‘“' ‘°’
operalar data not have a rlear and when employees or equlpmcnl czos~ " ‘“V°"“>

dlmct vlnw of that edge, warning over extavzllluna. well.-, plla, ~l\r1fL~‘, Nole that m some .-lales, loeal law.
ayat2m~ 7 aueh aa barrlcadza, ~pollez~‘, err, rnu.-l be barnearlerl or covered. ,aq.,,m M D; ,,,o.m,\,£ ..y...3,,.5 m an
°' “W “S” ’ “'6 ’°“'“‘““" Paymg close almnllun Io eaeh of :;;="=1"=~ fats“ ‘°“_‘ ‘mt 0' ';‘°r° dp-=°P
- HAZARDOUS ATMOSPHERES Khflaltl|'npDYlflnlP0l€nUaldfll1gEl'KJ|X~ WW‘ °“ W” “W “S” “‘“’“*-
7 Tlm .-eerion of lhe OSHA slanrlard clrcumslanncs will help m~um worker mm m fivg .,,,m,,,. go, ,,,,,.m,\,a

r. desl nerl lo m|EEI wnxknn from oaiet ,as well as hel contractors and ,. Ste,“

5 P y P v
— camwugo olv me 17
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an Nu)! ”/lulu’ our rr thllrxlrlwlml (ulckm ..-raa..aar, YA.l‘fA)V'ILl4)<L‘ 1YVfl'fV)LVlAI1H’)E elrlxwlflmm rare my!
2015 lssue2 Alabama sn . 15

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