Page 16 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 2
P. 16

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" ave ins Happen
Firm Sinzph‘ Sfrps In Prutuct Yum‘ W’or1tm'5 /
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urkmg In trenches‘ ttquam that 21 Competent vmun la The an-allc prr:~‘EnCr: of the Compzlsnl
and excavalmna Ls onsile whenever wurkzn an exposed Pelson a mum: in malnlalning a safe
pulcnually one of the m an excavation. OSHA defines the Working rsnvxmnmenl.
mo.t1.azatdou.typ=a Competnnt [’£r~‘nn as one who: slap M _ Fallow OSHNS Gmml
of work |n the mmtmcuan and uuhty . .
indumuonmason, Many people - I~‘tapablI:Df|dI2nt|fy|ng exhlmg Dr Requlremems
dmhppmm the mmmm WEI“ predltlflbln hazards |n the surmundlnga The CW”! RE mmmmh mm“

_ _ olwolkmg cnndmons that am , ‘1 * *
ofamI.OnI:Cub1tyard of~o|lct1n weigh , h d _ d ofOSHA~Z9 CFR19Z6,Subpt1rl
almo~14t000r>oun-i»—tlmweislwwfa “"‘“,"'”".’ “Z” °"”°' "“‘“""““’ P—Exct1vt1t|on~,addzzasmscvcral
~'mallct1r DY p1ckuptxuck.A~‘ £1 m~ull, “P “Y” "common 321152" nzms mlatcd to
when a trench at Excavation caves in on and Imnchcs and Cxtflvflhonsi
unpmlnclnzd wotkcts, it usually means ,

”2,y..2nmmmu,y mdm,‘/Mm,” - Hm (112 authunty lolake prompt - surzmce ENCUMERANCES
my shfluuw mind“ T1“ mbwmg are corrccuvz mezuuma to Ithmmille tlmm. 7 Tum are deathbed as telephone
five~implv:slepaynucanlakntnproletl O5HAguM,,,m,,d.a.,1m 5°‘:3:1;$fq1‘::;:j:;;t*‘=im
 CornvmtPv;;;g;;us:;w;ve~g;«§« ;§t;;;n..t,.,t,,e;t.
step::1—Havea1'nined& lialnlnglntan E h°“O;!§;“s “’d' d excavation They should be mmuvnd DY
AIIII-orized Competenlfirson an :Z;3§}‘{"1’;Z";°‘;"b° *3“ _ l_ ‘“’;V“’ aupportcdloinsuretllelratzlbllltyand
Inanallempllo reducclhenumberni [msthmpzctacmepomtbtlttmota - UNDERGROUND

deaths and serious mi-mt» that occur "Competent Person." INSTALLATIONS — These Include

in trenches and excavations, osm. undzxgmund uu1ma.- such as

14 . Alubamxsll 2015, mg

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