Page 21 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 1
P. 21

. . . . f . . '
Thmklng About Sklmplng on Sa ety? Think Again.
new Dow
Ilnnlng n unlrry or cunkxactlng - Ilicmascd co.l oi w()IkcI'~ Bcfun: un rnnrry }1appL‘n~, lt cnn be
rnmpnny run be n but lrke cnnipcnszmun rn.urunre dlfficull to ~03 n crr.r. might be nyorderl
walking n nglrrrope: RH . mmmd gmml lmbmw “mm or an rn,u,y prevented Mniply bctausc
nll abmlt bulunee. Whcn ~ of mfcty lrzunlng und prepnruunn. But

tunes am .-low and budgub are ughl, l"““‘“"‘“ by .-lrowrng rlre 11ardnumbL‘r~, the
nruny progruno and zlctlvlllca that . Federal, state, und lncnl films mr cnlculnror ~hlnL‘~ n brlght ~potl1ghk on
don’! rlrrerrly benem pmductlon or m)n—c1.»mpl|ancc rlre cmh — und addmonal rcvcnucs
the bottom llnv: am lmlkud, or at bL‘~‘lr . ‘ bl I mqulmd!

redurerl. orlrer tlmcs, pnrnrnlurly ““ 1‘ ‘2’ ‘° “;"““‘;‘_ '-‘Y “'-“k “‘ R, L,k 1

when mm m kw my Number re... to zlccl on hmr), s r e nsurance

Ont‘ Pmmty may ht zcttlng as many OSHA lnjury CoslCalcul.1lur Thmk of ll lrke you do ln~umncc
prulccti cnmplctcd as pm-.rble with would you ruk ownlng n home
avmlablu re.onrre. 051“? hm <lC\'ClnPv<l§ cglculattlrd wllhouk h1.»mLwlwncrs |n~'IImn:c7 If

to re P you csnnmml e rren an . \ . .
The reason ls undnubtcdly clue ro the lndlmct c<\s'l~ or wurkplacc Inyuncs. ”“"‘“h'""1“"’P‘"‘d' “ml 3°“ "N “"
bu.-rc natum of bung sails: If cvcrvlhlng And m Kym cm 0; um, m,'.,k~ “"‘“‘'‘‘“'d h''‘"‘“' W‘ “““"““‘ ‘"‘l’““‘
law an planned; nu bu~lnc~'s n. in-unl. companlch, {lre calculalgr nl.-0 ~huw,~ °“ ”"“ ‘“I°‘f"' "° f'.°",“7".“““’€ .,”"'“f
N“ accldvntl» Nu ‘“l““Ch» And that lrow nrurlr addltmlml rcvcnuc r. """m"°L " '1 Pm ‘C " L “W” "m" ’
make» u rhrncult no know whether ncndcd to one. those ILMKN lned .. on “ l"°‘“"‘ «"°“ “““““‘““>' '“ “‘“ ““““‘
~ ‘ P 1.»fz\Ios~()f<ll‘lc 1.»fvoIIrlargcs'ka~~L‘l~

mt-mt'>' ~P=nt on aalcty -~ really lmvml; (11: profit margln of me rornpnny. '

nn effect. complacency rnn .er m. An lnvL‘~tmcnt ln .nlery work~ tlm
Sr1fctynmnL‘y gel. cut, or at leu.-r T0 ‘M th= Chlwlfltl-‘tr 3° to WW samc wuy. You nre pmtcctlng one or
deferred. "W Xull/17551’/hlllfll”l'lhll’t'55/h*'lfi"!/Ill'V='/ ynur must lmp1.»rlr1nla~'~L‘l~ — your

(”""’1n" mm] V/()l’kCY~ Ax vml mn we {mm the

The rnnrn zugumunl for iafnty ls ’ — ‘ ’

ubvmus — to pmlctl worker. lmm An Example - - ::ad'::l; :‘)}’:]"::;):‘:C““‘c“‘]““>*}:‘1‘l‘f‘C">"

‘““"<" ““d d‘'‘‘‘'‘* ’‘"d ‘“‘'l’‘"3 ‘‘‘“‘3' The m~ult~ art‘ very It-tm'~'t|h5 l-t‘t'~‘ dcvastallng nnnnrrnl rmpucl. Keep llru
Pmgmniww cqummcnt, and twlrung In r1~~'IImL‘ n worker lrn. ~'u~kalnL‘d n slmplu m mm um um mm, WEN mm W
.vv-W b“dEL“ an m the long run, he bone rrnrnrre (we could uic n much dcmmcnh m, bung dmugflxd ’ U
the le.. cXpCns|\'C roure. Smdlc~' mow WON. mmprcy 0; c(,u,.L\), puny,“

that u good safety and hcalkh program um C(,,,,Pfl,,V1,a, a Pmm mm," 0, 5 Drlzlllf Dow .5 co—]olu:dt'l' of 'lrcllch5rl/cry
can we 53 no 7 $6.00 for cvcry $1.00 Pmcm U,.,',,5 M cfllculatur mu dum will Shlullw — new mu 0/ Llrrrltwwlrl

. .d _ , _ _ ' sn/em tqunnrrem, LLC — suppllls
m‘ N‘ “““ "“ "“' ‘““"V “ 53077“ ‘‘"‘' "“' l'xo1I/lmmv sl1]t'Iy}ll'odurIs and srrvlrri
Wl|a| Do Injuries REALLY Cusl? ‘“d"‘°‘ ““"‘ “' 5”5855- T1‘““ “_‘f““1 to cmtslmrllrlll, crmrmlnn, and lmlrm
m~'t0t$1“6l633 l3a~t‘<l upon n 39% Pmht rmnonrolvs llrrllerymrmd snwly l:17ul}lIm'n!

E"“>"‘“° ‘" ‘l“‘' b‘‘‘'‘‘“‘‘'‘ ‘* ‘“"‘‘‘‘'‘’ marlzm tht‘ employ“ m-|~'t szcmmtt‘ pmm.1es 5/1109,rrlllrlluqulplrlrrll, l't'pml'
Wlth the duvct It-»~t~ of an Ir-Jury $2,132,660 rn nrldruonnl revenue to srrzlttu, and 5!!/CI]/Il'l1llllH‘(

Manna! treatment, lemurs wage», om that c1.»~t. Vml ulww. ll'mEhSrl[rI ‘mm m‘ wwul
and l>mPt‘rty damngtv Hm"> what |> Lllldurgraulll15n[m‘l/.mnl

renlly flgnlficank Accuxdlng to a study

r1lSKahI()l’d UmvL‘r~1ty, rnrlrrerr cosh

can be four ro rue l|mc~' hlghcx rlrun the

dlrv::lc1.»~h.Ind|mct Co~l~ Canlndlldcz     

- InvL‘~kIgatl\‘c cosh . .

Related to Injury to Dlrect Costs
~ Lam‘ of aklllcd, Cxpcrlclmcd wurkcrs
- L0» of pmfit from worker.
Up to $2,999 4.5 to 1
- Law of pmduckmn nnd work
~ml>pngc~ $3000 - $4,999 1.6 to 1
- Cmk of hlnng new worker. $ 0 $ 9 2
S 00 — 9 99 1 . to 1
- Co~'k of trzunmg new wurkcrs ’ ’
. forlnyumd $10,000 and above 1.1 m1
- Lcgal cxpcnms and scttlcmcluti
Tnzsmnlordxludyauually/olmdrhunhemelryum n.mgr.,m,,.,u,,«.n.r,,.o.l,.mom

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