Page 19 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 1
P. 19

usually cpnsielerably different ihan The major aeconiplishriieiii for lhe Pipeline saiely Maiiageriicni sysieriis,
whal pipeline uperalors miisl invesi ihirol cmc meeling was appmval appears lo be gaining manienluni

ID comply wilh ihe regiilaliiiiis. who of §19Z 607 Verificatmn of pipeline basically, lhis documerii proniiiles
pays fur CompllznCe7 The ciislomers.. malerial: ansliiire sleel lraiismissian pipeliiie salely cullure PHZMSA has
NOT ihe pipeline operator. If a pipelines There were numerous a let on ils plale ai ihe mumeiil bul il
pipeline operaiar Cannul pass lhe cosl mueliiicalipns and clariiicalions bul Wuuld nDl surprise me if 1173 were nDl
Dfcompllancz ihrough lo lhe ciislomer, ihe GPAC gol il DONE! PHMSA has incprpuraleel by relereiice mm 49 cm
ihal pipeline operalor will souii cease ialren whal lhey call an "opporluiiislie' Pan 192 spmclime iii lhe future.
ioerisl aiiel ihe cuslianiers will be faced approach lo paihering elaia regariling The GOOD mm: PHMSA B as mm n
will. even higher msi legacy pipelines As long as lhey Mm! agent}, a‘ you M,“ Em find
The “E’“‘d“ “" ”‘° 5”‘ GP“ "‘’3“““3  °"T'i§§'r'§ Th BAD - PHIMSA ’ - - d
(available on ihe PHMSA web sile) — ’ 5 P V ’ "' P V . ° “°""" . " "’ 5°.“ “

. ,, . . ,, bperalors shpulel nn liinger be requireel ierleral agency as you will ever iiiiel.

°“PP°’°‘“Y “'2 °“’Y ’“‘“ ’ W“ to collect data iusi fur lhe salre of

cpmpleieol by lhe enil ii: ihe seconel calming am ml data M“ mu be Have a safe anil happy 2018!! .
meeling. A number at pruposeil . d b I I H _H H h .

changes were wllhdrawn and lhe :q:x‘§‘:n'  ufl:c‘;'t?:::wm /cliii I5 n‘ffYEI1f1'DH! PHMSA aim you can
appllcatmn of several olher proposed bgnowfd Thg fipmfit mqumfiems reach him AL: //11L'abI@sbL‘gIub11l,ne!,
changes clarified. Fm example, 11 lb 1 H Mk 5 1

PHMSA ‘W P'°P°-‘*d ‘° “dd “*2 $ie.T.‘Iiar'.‘ "X31 2"hi§.'2"i$ m eo "ilas nnanan
‘”°‘“‘ ""““""' “S P"'‘ °‘ ""“°“"“' a liu e siegin whai lbeliev: tupbe L}:

ma... H. hgdggmn manna
laaseel on pub1l( cummcnls, PHZMSA '5 '  nflflfl
agreeil ihal ”r2llabl2" unly coiiruseel several olher issues were aelolresserl ai 5 7 2 S 5 ‘
ihe issue wilholrew lhe proposed lhe ihirol GFAC meeling and lhe next 3 ‘ 1 5 Z 7
change. Applicability of lhe proposed rwii GPAC meeliiigs were leiiialively 2

changes, eg., lransmission lines vs scheduled foz>Maz:h ancl June. Huw g 
galheriiig lines vs ilisrnbuliuii syslems many mare will be mqulred is a maller = Hanna
was ailelresseil. Deiails adilressing of speculalian. ace nan-an
lime perioils, lhe size Df areas lo . . . 1 2

bz Expanded and mm kegping The uiher slep in ihe right dlmctlon g “Hanna”

. is lhal il appears IhatAPlR[’1173,
requiremenls were ailelresseil
~ 4. -, V, -r . ‘V ,'.V. ,,.,<r- c«,s,. .. .
l ' ' Y I ' i I i ‘ ’ I T \ . .
  ‘}u.l,..d.+.|i,§i.   ; 
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h‘AG>'~ i-«rs ~
33.5 A1 7 fllll‘ readers
92,000 readers
turns lmu 228,000
Greg Jones ,
501—472—OT 15

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