Page 9 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2022 Issue 1
P. 9

Alabama’s Underground Damage Prevention legislation has been enacted since 1994. Over the years there have been amendment to strengthen and improve the damage prevention program
in our state. We will focus on some of the key terms and sections to ensure a thorough understanding of the underground damage prevention as outline in Alabama state law.
Alabama Statute sections relative to pipeline safety and federal pipeline program requirements are reviewed in this issue.
Alabama Statute 37-15-5 (e): Underground Damage Prevention Program: Operators of underground natural gas or hazardous liquid pipeline facilities or the “One-Call Notification System” acting on their behalf shall develop and implement a public awareness and damage prevention program to educate the general public, excavators, ad operators about the availability and use of the “One-
Call Notification System” as require in applicable federal guidelines and requirements of this chapter.
This section outlines the requirement, partially to comply with federal mandates, on the gas and pipeline industry
to have and conduct public awareness and damage prevention programs. Participation in Alabama 811 is a part of their compliance procedures.
Alabama Statute 37-15-9 (b): Excavation or
Demolition Damage: In addition to subsection (a), each person responsible for any excavation or demolition
shall immediately report to the operator or the One-
Call Notification System” operating on behalf of the underground facility owner and appropriate law enforcement agencies and fire departments any damage
to an underground facility that results in escaping flammable, corrosive, explosive, or toxic liquids or gas and shall take reasonable actions necessary to protect persons or property and to minimize safety hazards until those law enforcement agencies and fire departments and the operator arrive at the underground facility.
This section of the original law was revised to include the requirement of notification of emergency and first responders for any damage that may result in a hazardous situation. One reason for this addition was to ensure Alabama’s law met the requirements of the federal pipeline safety acts as well as
to meet the annual audit requirements. This requirement,
as well as additional safety procedures, is shared in the educational events held with first responders to ensure they are aware of this section of the law, the potential of their being contacted, and their response requirements.
Legislative Corner
2022, Issue 1
Alabama 811 • 7

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