Page 7 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 7

Kinder Morgan Southern Natural Gas,
z Maintains a Focus of Efficiencg, Safetg
and Sen/|ce ai, Melwsaflanoack

iniier Meii-gan seiillnerii Naiiiral and more aware-'

Gas (SN?) laoas|_s aiJ_loro><i-nalsly “In Alabama. we have pipelines lbal riin

Senna-niles oi loiloslins llii-iiiigli miles aiiel miles and miles and

exrenoling from Louisiana» miles eirless populaléda riiral areas. But
Ml55l55_lEPl anolfllaliarna lo niarlrel arnas we've also gel 300 miles of class 3 pipeline
in Louisianal llflississiioloilfilaloarnai in Very densely popiilaled areas. we've geii
Floriolal Georgia» Snurli Carolina and pipelines in iiiiiiisiiille and lzii-miiiglnam,
Tennessee- calera Slwzlhy County, and Cvadsdzn.
-may an, aha amaiaal aamal gaa sa, we gel a lnlx of ii. we have a lel of
iraiisperler lo seiillneaslei-n markels in pipelinos in rural areas and llnon We have a
Alabama. Georgia and seiiilii careliiia lot of Pipelines Wliero ioaoills have lauilr up
and are also eeiiiieeied lo seiillnern LNG: all around us- By design were sulopossol Io
Elba islaiiei ierminal near savaiiiiab, l>s oul away from ayerylao-_lyl but it doesn't
Gaaagia_ always work eiil ilial way.
pagan Caapaa Maiaama aaaa damaga Kinder Morgan siiiiilnerii eialiiral Gas
prevenlien slipervisiir willn soiillnern Woijlrs liarol ioyrnlssl rlne inlegruy oi
Namal Gaag Shanaa a 1,3, aha“, mag. llieir pipeline in eriler lo eiisiire saleiy.
Puiapa awaaaaaaa p,.ag,am_ ‘-Frmm a one eeneerii llney laee is veliiele load
eeii-peii-aie level, we dislribiiie mailers and slress on ‘lie Piloelinss when a rural area
ilyers le lanilewnei-s, excavators and lliese ssas an inllux of logging or ollnsr lnoavy
who appear iii eiiir one—eali daia base. eriuiprnenh liol>er1 eriJlai_ns= “Wlnen you
On an individual level, we panieipaie in go‘ any type of lusayy soiuilomsnl Crossing
irade sliews whenever we can. Mississippi ills iuinelinal yoii Want ro loo sure you
has ,aa,,iariy amva iogggria made gmups [allow some liasie salely giiiilelines. we

X and ShCI\VS, wlnieb seiilbei-n Naiiii-al Gas inaslr fur PiP?§(~ got a olsdlolli an-lhwa run al
K. ‘ \ . nnnualli.   public awareness to malle or put .imi3;.~s down across the
\ events that are organized at a county level pipeline. seirieilnies we've gei to add Fill. ii
We epei-ale in 25 diiierenl eeilinlies in daamada on wiaamaria a}m.a_~
Alabama. we alsa liave a nlglii meeiing _ V _
ler Dllr piililie officials, eiir ernergeiiev ‘But illais anyWlnere- It lust gets more
aaaaanaara and gaaaaapy anybady who alleiiiien eiilin Illevruxial areas beeaiise
waiiis le aliend. Diiring lbal lime, we give Wlifn you l>uilnl a iuileline aeross where
an eiverview erwiial a pipeline is. iieiw you a County Road crosses; you aroonnf for
siieiiia rzspond in  emzrgency and somz -liar who-lever you dssign the in-inalme.
basie requiremznts for lielli llie general You make st-revyou have suffio-ant oovor
piililie and emergency respondzrs as well.‘ an-{you lower -1 -I you need to- But -I you
axpiaim Roh9n_ gel iiisl eiil iliere aeress the big lilaell
lei-esi aiiel someonz decides, ‘Well, leis
"ii i go‘ a rsoiuesil i ll go out and do iiarvesl seine limber; lliey've gei lo eress
irieelliigs willi veliinleer lire ileparlmenls ,1“, Pipgpng so Waiv, go, 1,, aa 0“, and
 alarm: logging  many make  llwal wherz llwzy want to  is
lust anylaorly Wluo reaches out and wants suilabie. we wanl iei make sure liiey ei-ass
to know more about pipeline salary-" alas nlee of a plaee as we ear. and. Tile
Raga" is axaiaaa aha“, aha gnawing rep er ilie hill‘ nel ilie beiiem, so il ilraiiis,
awareness eii lbe sii svslein. “oiir sii and We ‘an add °°"‘" " We ‘Wed in We
syslein deies a giied job. Tlnev aelverlise iusr try to legal: open torn-nnniranon Willi
slralegieally and iliev do a leii of lraele lliernl
2 shows DI] belialielsiibsei-llaers. l/lei-e TM, 531‘? Papaianaa an, a paaaaa, amaia
looolole are rarlainly Vlaerorning a\_yare_ of ioeiis eii epialilv eenirniinieaiion and
-no an sysrom» They vo been oallmg m lzeberl Cooper, along wllli llwz whole
before rliey dig ‘Var? seeing a lot more learn al i<iiidei- Mergaii seiilbei-n Nalui-ai
inlsraolion Willi loggersl landowners and Gas. rnaiiilaiii a reieiis ufefiiciency sail-iy,
Far-nsrs aoross Alaliama lls gelling boiler and szrvice le llneir eiisleiiners aiiei iiieir
and better. reeple are just beeeiiilng mare mmm,,,,;,,aa_ U
2020 issue 2 Alabama 511 . 5

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