Page 3 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 3

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v . ver lhe years of damage prevenlion siudies, several sources
5 have noled lhal premarlring lhe sile lor ihe exacl proposed

i excavalinn area. also known as while lining. is a valuable lool
‘ in communicaiing lo ihe lacilily owners eicaclly where lhe inlended

Q 9;. area of excavaiion will be. This slep helps lhe facilly owner lo save lime

'I,_ . in marking lhe area by conceniraiing exactly where ihe work will be

® . performed inslead oi marking a greaier area lhan needed. in addilion.

v some excavalors have sialed il helps in pmjecl planning because il allows
iheir employees lo visil lhe sile prior lo lhe siari ol exravzlion lo survey lhe
area fur polenlial hazards. challenges and olher laciors.

in lhis edilion of ihe Alabama 3.. magazine, while lining will be lhe focus.

More locale reouesis are being noled as having been premarked in while painl bui we are
slill a long way ti-om making lhis a rouiine aclivily. oi lhe lncale requests lalren so far in
aoao, only aboul 7% nf lhose have a noialion lhal lhe excavalion sile is premarked in while.
The infnrmalion shared in ihese arlicles show how olhers are using lhis besi praciice lo help
improve damage prevenlion, work producliviiy and salely enons.
As we begin lo wind down from lhe iniiial impacl ofCOVID1g, ihe excavalion communiiy
here in Alabama slayed consisleni. For April and May: Alabama an processed over 52,000
lncales each monih making lhese Iwo mnnlhs Ihe busiesl so lar in zinc. As lhe new excavaiion
activily coniinues Io increase. every elforl will be made In increase ihe produciivily fur lhe
facilily owners in gelling lines marked elfeclively and emcienlly is a slep lo help ihe excavaling
cnmmunily do lheir job more efiirient and economical as well.

Annelle Rehum

laneculive Direclor

Alabama so

2020, Issue 2 Alabama 511 . 1

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