Page 21 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 21

In enjny llle during this pandemic, Ihen Let's look at pnsilive Ihinking from them Io berome 3 Inner persnn — o.

you may be eee em.e me.e pnsilive ancllher perspettive. As mentioned, nation. Shame on us if we don't.

Ihinkzrswithadefiaultpositicln onllle .eeee.el. shows our default position . . h . _ H

right side of the continuum. may be a 1:4rzlio erpeeillve tn negative '‘“"“'T‘5 P‘’'“' N".'“. " s."".T '3

. . . wnrldwnde zndemlcnsbnn m I112
tl|lnkmgw|tl|8D%ofuurd|nugh1s P E E

If);«‘>u are asked ifylnugvaant to be sladd being nggaflmfimm Fmymkm ‘Leela closer tclgell|:rlasevery‘nn2 figlee

or appy, my guesslsl lynu wan . .. , . ' 1 esame 2n2my.T e essclns nra

pick the lane: ave: Ihe farmer. The fact ‘“ ““ ‘.’°°‘‘- "°‘.““"‘V- ‘“‘’_‘‘’‘’“F’’‘‘ of us are: I) the rolleclive lmelll enre

the nclucln to same for a 3. rant: To 5

isnegalive and posilivethinkingare dDdm1D0khack‘oLm;fin Mn‘ is smarter than anyone individual,

mutually exeleelve, eo we will not lee Numb; Thm WE mam afm D‘ and 1) the degree nf roopezalinn in

happy thinking ugly thnughls. M Pmpgmfi think negatively shut the eelemlne rommunily tells us that

Le ' P ' all I: Tl. -D ofilhalswitrhandmrn nnclur eelllve ‘°"°“‘V"13""’”‘*"‘*°"‘°"’”"°'“““"

yo: [1-:aIs:|egLh‘e“r'.Jece:sTrylsre]Pcglivnlo swilch ley thinking about the hlsssings ‘"“‘“‘d“‘1 ““‘°“" "5 5"“ ‘* Sham“ ‘*“*‘

. . . . it lakes an emergency In .emm.l us nf

In shut off your Internal swntrh of In our llves. [hm hm hm

negative thinking and lo mm on your . . _ . -

pnsitive one? You do that by dimming “'.‘;l"r":‘hfS;‘"l_3” In closing this enlcle, you need in know

yfieellleeglelelelhe mle_.;e gositiveb buomesslrohggrflifh mufed Frame’ i”lHl§lEYD|]SS[|eIdi€§ll"l‘2VT:‘1'lC|l:VfllfDSi[iVi‘y

1: araclensucsm your |€. emem ex ea sloimprclve eal ,1 us nngevity.

Ihecliclné: we are whal wetllink abnul Lzarning rolm Number me: In,o.eee.l

mast. peee?l_..eeleg I112 words ere eeeeee peeeeeel end pmfessinnal produrlivity,

ms hm ‘he Covuhg Wm” M {eel.l‘.e.:: I (“Illa el._e‘lle5.|,;eC.e)e.m,oly and posmve penple make more money.

efiemem wgildelmfenlign ahfnnnéz d v‘;r‘:‘";“buf[D:n:u:‘:lha‘jM5expefim Now yee haveinwlulare you gninglo

. . . ., ,

;°d;*§;;j- s;_j;e'_;j"  3 53;’; teaches us hnwwecanhe better and lo dc-W-“"*~ “W U

hm hm Parfiauy Pm];’;d_ hgfhe prevenl lemme ylmeee from having Ihis Larry cole, pm, lefeunde. of

wmdmnm Carnegie’ Homo Win ennnnclusunparl. :'eIamM11r;1con::l:lrlgt;amp;;:rhI1l d

Friends and Influence People. he Tl. I: II 1' ' 1 Ike .1 I2 I ”"‘P*’”P‘"’“' °9‘*’ "' “"3"

leaznedlcl accept Ihe wmsl that might .l.e°ee'lef'e'.l'e3§§l'§ lioielieialfy  'I"“"""”"“’/“'“%;"'"*"“ ‘°L“"7'"

happen and enjoy Ihe daily blessings '“‘""'“"'°°@‘7"*“' W"-

life has In ofiez.

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so years ofoomblnsd exwianee com-nmlcatlna me damlas Dfevemion EH5!
messaga is a mu! resource la holp you dwelap oflocfive selullom for ynumalnang neodse 
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Fwnwmmomaiuonmrltxrtflogvccz/Dgur0afsyunguw1ge.mmw50V~2S9r!OO0, \ 8 H1

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