Page 3 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 3

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9 s many bl you are aware, the gas and oil lndnslry—plpellne and
rlistrihution—is one of line most closely regulated undexgmund
facility nwnezs. They have oversighl 2| bath the lederal and stale
a levels In ensure sale and elfeellve nperaticms. The pipeline opezalozs in
r. .. -' Alabama are very salely cnnscious and work bard (D ensure lbe integrily of
‘ - \\ their facililies and spend a greal deal nftheir resources working In rednee
_ _ Ihe risk of damage to these laellllles Ihmugh excavalion activilies. Tlrese
plpellne nperalnrs embrace the an message and are fantastic ambassaders
/ of the damage prevenlinn message. ln Ihis firsl edition of the 2010 Alabama
Eu Magazine, we are focusing on the plpellne induslry, their terhnnlclgy and
dedication to salely.
Alabama 811 appreciales Ihe past and eemlnned support of em gas and plpellne members and are glad
Io work with them In belp keep Alabama a safe plaee in live and work.
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Annette Rebum
Executive Director
Alabama 3..
2020, Issue 1 Alahunla 511 . 1

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