Page 16 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 16


So what exactlg do all these pipelines transport?

There is a wide range of products traveling lhlough lhe lhousamls oi miles oi plpellues. everylhing from gas (or you.

car lo oxygen for hospllals. Many of lhese products Can he hlghly flammable, harmful if luhaled, cause eye or skin
irzilalion nrpossihly cause dilficulty hlealhlug. Some oflhe malellals could cause envimmnenlal damage. Because

oi lhese poleullal haeallls. il ls lmponaul {or our neighbors lo he ahle to recognize a plpellue leak.

Recognizing a pipeline leak
Using gour sense of sight. smell and sound will help gou
in recognizing a suspected leak.
c-- .-e , 7; oudorfog
 _.,l - What TO DO If You Suspect a Leak
l .:l ==v;;—,~ iv» o
G) 7‘ HM ‘ ‘H L ‘I H]. J K , e lmmeellalely leave lhe area.
a’ . ‘ ._ “ _ ..a_Q _,‘ __ Hpussiblelum onauyeoulpmeulhelug usedin nrnear
* ‘  * ‘ ' lhe suspected leak. Abandon any equipmenl helug used
W l v l__ "l '-'l‘  Fl wgter and move upwind from the suspected leak.
l ‘   .-'-  Fmmasafe locallou, call go ol_yeul local emergenry
e,.. l . g- ~ lespouse number and lhe plpelme company. call collecl.
, _s; . 4 ifneeded, and gave your uame, phone uumhel, description
‘ "£11 ‘ ’~ " " "535 YOUNG enhe leak and lls locallou.
, 9 " Waln olhers lo slay away wheu possible.
: , .
a) An "il“l -u M l.—‘.»’1'l:-
Odqrg  . .  ,7. Ompa_ What NOT TO DO If You Suspect a Leak
“U 3"7F“l5'3 * > no uol Iuudl. hlealhe el make comacl wllh lhe leaklug
U) /. liquids or gas. slay upwlml ll posslhle.
- -'~ Du uol llglu a malch. slan ah euglue. use a lelephohe.
. ( lulu on o. off any lype oi eleclriczl swilch such as a
> llghl. garage lleol epelpel, elc. or do auylhlug Ihzl may
. cleale slauc or a Spa)’ .
I-(6 An mu, 1_ __  re :]‘:rr|mt allempl Io extinguish auy plpellue fire Ihal may
fiomt ‘ ‘ ""‘ ’ ' ‘ has Du uol drive lmo a leak orvaporclnud zrea.AuLmnobile
G’ 9 "1'S§.:. =1’  ‘ " OUVW. ‘‘ euglues may lgulle lhe vapors.
_c m9Q’be"a‘ ' I K Du ool allempl In operate valves.
' -.c _,\\‘

Pipeline Operator's Actions during an Emergency

In lhe uullkely event of an accidenl or leak. lhe plpellue operator who is notified will immediately dlspalch personnel lo
lhe slle to help hamlle lhe emelgeucy and lo provide lulomualleu lo puhllc salely nlficials lo asslsl in their lespouse lo lhe
emelgeucy. Pipeline lechmclaus will also lake quick acuou such as slarling auel slopplug pumps 01' compressors. closlug and
opeulug valves. and similar sleps lo minimize lhe impacl oi lhe silnatinn. These responders ale heavily Irained throughout
lhe year lo eusule lhel. uelghhelhooel ls rammed le ils well—l>eing.

14: Alabama 511 2020,lLsue1

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