Page 9 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 4
P. 9

— . Ox tlte past 14 yeats, Alabama
I _l 211 has pattneted WRI1 72
' gas and ptpeltne Lvpcmloh
t atnttnel the state to eeltteatttan
. , CmcrgenCy|'I:apundczs',
-  , and puI3IlC otltetals altnttt ptpeltnes
.' - I and then mmpanents, how to work
sately atnttnel ptpeltnes and then tales
tn |'L‘~pDndlng to an emetgeney, tn the
. tate event nne wete to oeettt. Thh
* year, tnnte than 2,100 lnd|v|duflIS
- attended tlte 15 mgmnal meettngs lteld
Na \\ thtnttgltnttt the state.
7 Alabama 811 pnwtdes the Cuordmallon
an all tlte 15 tegttanal meettngs, and a
_ \ ~ . ‘ . - latge etnphasts ts pttt an tlte use of 311,
’ ~. _ - -_ as thttd.patty datnages ts the leadtng
_‘ '- . ‘ eattse of ptpeltne tnetelents, and the
_ '- > , 4 ,. ~ eattse that tlte npetatots have tlte least
~ =' ennttnl over.
I’ V _ _ At eaelt meettng, a rcpIl:sL'l‘ltt1l|\'n
.  ,t ltnm eaelt tapetattn whn paxtlnpalcs
.«- ‘. V tn APACT ts tn attenelanee to be alale
I ‘ ‘ - to meet laee—to»raee wtth the guests.
A ptesentatton eltsettsstng each
, ‘ attendee’. tale, how to Vt'0rI( salely
 A around ptpeltnes and Iluw tn teengntze
and tespnnd In an etnetgeney ate all
f - ptovteled.
‘ ' g ‘ These meettngs ate held tn the
' aftnrnoons, so 1101 meals, t1~ WCII as
dour pttzes donated by tlte npetatots
. ate always pmvldnd.TI1csc enntts

enemnage attendanee and make tt

less at a totntal event but mate of

— an Opportunity ta get to know the

Dpcratun tn tlte atea

Addlllonzllly, tn an ongolng effort to
ptmttele a qttaltty pmdttet and a gteat
leamtng Dpportumty, Alabama all has
tntmeltteeel a [cw new teattnes met the
past two yeats to make the meettngs
tnote eneettve, effluent and helptttl.
Mock Ltne stnkes VVCIE tntnaeltteed
bcg|nmng tn 2017 Thml: Muck Ltne
stttkes WCYE Imld tn 2019 tn pattnetslttp
wtth Enetteeh. These ~lnkl:~ ate

—~ sttnttlated plpclmc etnetgenetes
that tnelttele paxtlclpt1l|un hnnt ltaeal
» cxtavzltoh and etnetgeney tespondets

and pm\‘ldc a mate lnlczatlwc Way

to pm~L‘nl the tttll message. All of the

— tnessagtng WC tnttnelttee tn the stt-dawn
camwuet; 0/v mg 9
2019 Issued Nxbtsma 511 . 7

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