Page 7 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 4
P. 7

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labam.1'~' Underground snnday and the following an underground rae.1..y nwne. 9. the
Damngs Prevention hohdnys: New Year's Day, Me.n9na1 "One-Call Nnllficalmn System” acting
leglslahun 1.a.- been enacted Day (Dbsexved), Independenee Day, on behalf 9: .1.e 9pe.a.n. at least 2 but
since 1994. one. .1.e years, Lab... Day,'a Day, Thanksgwmg nn mom than 11» working day~ pnor .9
Lhem have been an.e..dn.en..- .9 Day, .1.e Fnday following T}Iank~'g|v|ng .1.e sum 9: .1.e pmpnsed sxcavahon, not
.-neng.1.en and |mprovc the damage Day, Eve and Chnslmm mcluding .1.e day ufnoufltauon, and
prevenuon pzogram in 9... alals. we Day. when any 9; Lheic 1.91.daya occur at least 2 wolkmg day~ 19... not n.9.e
thought .. would be a good .dea 9n 9,..w.111.e nbscxvcd nn 30 calendar daya, not mcludmg .1.e
.9 rnene nn some of the key terms .1.e Fnday and when any 9: day 9. noufitauon, pnor .9 Lhc 5.9.. 9:
and .ee..9na .9 en.-...e a tlmmugh .1.e.e holxdays otrur 9n a Sunday,1lw1ll den.91.nnn 9. opcram.m~ for 9: the undnrgmund be observed 9.. .1.e following Monday” e.d.e. nxcavauon 9. den.n1...nn.
d . 1 d
 E“ °‘“ ‘"2 '" - Wnrkmg day 1.n....- am now defined wnl. this chnngc, all locate .eque....- wxll
’ ‘ as ~.1.e ..n.e from 7:01» a .n. .9 5.13.: p .n. slan me 2 Working day dock begmmng
New changm a.e gnmg mlo enee. an wnrkmg daya" at 7 an.. on the nod working day 11... 1, 2.320 Tlmsc Smm 37454 7 Now of [mm to null aunnv Lhe facility nwnua a mu
thangca Include Lhe ea1e..1an9n of two E “ Dc 1, _h 2 working days .9 1.a..e.1.e uulmes
workmg day wnl. duck a. “V” ‘ °’ ‘“° " marked. In mm, .. w1ll alluw the
the 5.9.. of .1.e nex. wurkmg day. .1. serene commnncmg any zxcnvauon exeavann .9 have consistent ~t.1rl hmes
. 9. de.nn1.n9n 9pe.a..9.. pmhlbxlcd bv for .91.» and no. be dependen. 9n .1.e
- VVoxk.Ing day .5 now denned aa . « f d 1 I _ _
aa “hm” mad mmmemn ms seennn 37.15-3 eaeh per.-nn .e.p..n..1.1e mne 9 ay he angina .eq..e.. w.1~
P 1:
b6 mm of ‘hi M" of H“ mm 19. ~uch nxcavauon or den.n1...n.. shall p1aeed. 11... than helps .9 outlmn: haw
3 5 ‘ ‘ gwe mlnp}Ion|c 9. zluctxomt nnnee of .1.e new calnllauons w.11 operate. .
wozkmg day from .1.e ..n.e of .eee.p. 11 \ d I 3}‘
9: .1.e nnIific.1l|nn,2xcludIng sannday, °““ '"‘°“‘ "’ ‘““V““ °’ “m” ‘> ‘°
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