Page 9 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 3
P. 9

Leadership tettte ttttth. It has nhe heen pteven that set tn n tnh wtn he \'cIyd1ffL‘rcmlhz\n
Smm Smk Mud H hm ,,Lmdmh‘P F eentpante~ wtth fi‘L‘YVah(1L‘I|dL‘Yfi‘1'\lp ~u:h annthet gcncmtlun. I-lglllt’ 1 h a ehntt
a~' FcdEx, Starbucks and S1.»uth\w:~‘l that ~huws ~()l‘nL‘ tlungi that wtu he
net ahnttt bcmg tn Charge. LcadL‘r~11Ip A .
tthne. ate nnt unlv nhle tn tetatn tntpettnnt te eneh generation when tt
l~‘ ahettt tnktng ente et Il1v.»~L‘ tn vent —
,, , — entplnyeee, but they ate Mgrufitantly Collins tn thett entptnynnent.
charge. It e tntpnttant thnt ynttt
. tttnte ptentnhte than (how thnt do not
Ieaaet. nte .en/ant lcadlsh and nnt gunk Thete ls nne Wold that h kcy In
olaet Ieaaet. m|I~k tetnenthet that
sClf—~L‘r\/|ngIct1dCI~. Mmmnm hm cxpmcmd W mm building high petretntanee (cams,
In 1'1l~ hnnk Cond te cteat, Jtnt Colhnw‘ Pram‘ than rcpnmanrh In then short ‘m ‘ " ‘ “’
, h h , _ h park nr building t1te team has te he
scta Hp t1nInlL‘rC>l|ng mctap11()I uung a In es, and r us at mg lend:-r~ r at only
tntenttennl. You have tn etnhtate penple
ttttttet tn the enntet etrtee tn cxplzun the foam en the hnn and nL‘vL‘r the good
\ \ \ V _1 , h [ h‘ set then soft -ktne during the tntemew
dlffLxlnEL hetween n servant tennet and can am out an) I ancv 0 t un
, I 1 _ pn.»(L‘~s. You have tn tntenttnnauy scnk
A ,.C,,_m‘.,,,g mac,‘ aettt e y cngt1g1ng|nt1cIrlct1m~. _ .
and ttntn .ennnt lL‘z\dcr~', and you
when lh|ng~ nte going wen tn an Artet yntt have duvulopcd a tennt nt 11t1vI:lo1ntL‘nkI()nalIy tttnke nn eantt
,,,,;a,..m..(,,. mn by 3 ,ett,,.m..,,g scI\'t1nlIct1dCr~, yett hm’: tn consider te Dntxluragfl mt1n:\gcIsl(\mant1gc
Ieaaet, kh1~typcu[lct1dcr tends V/v'1\t1l|t1slhi\kyouItcam tttettthet. wnnt 1nd1\'1dualIy.You hnye tn tntenttnnany
te xnnk tn the nttnet, hent nn thett tn thett wntk cxpnrmncc we enntntenty wck tn mntntntn k1'u~ ettlntte. Tim wtu
chm, and dectm, ~t_u,,k 3. what rtnn thnt wht1lc()mpamL‘~ dunk 11t1vL‘ tn he m()d1f1L‘d!r()nl ttnne tn ttnte
I've accuniplwhcd ~ But Wt“, thmg. Cmpluyccs wnnt nnn what cmployL\'~ wtth the changing w<\rkf<\rCc. However,
go wmng, tht. lmdcr net the aetttnny wnnt ate vL‘ry dtnetent The ttyntt do an ofthcw: lhxng~ wtth
wmduw K, M W1,(,t.u,.,t£,mC[,,,.tK. attcrnpt tn mzmagu nu nr ynnt tennt tntenttennhty, we bcllcvc you will find
tnthtte. Servant lcildch approach tt l‘nCnIbL‘r~ tn the sflnlc way Is n teetpe rnt yoursclf wen nn the wny tn c~'lz\blI~h1ng
dtrtetentty. when thmg~ go \\’mng, dhastcr. and miunlalnmg 1'\Ig1'\rpL‘r!()Inung. m(k—
they look tn t1te nttnnt nnn ((\n~‘IdL‘r . . . star man»
V Mnna 1 d d . 11

what they could have dnne dtrtetently. gmg " W‘ '" Y L f ,

when lhmg~ go wen, they look nat the A. we nte gcxmratxoxxal d1vL‘r~1ty Y3’;ggggg;;;l';;;;,;;;:'WH WW
wtnnnw tn wt whn they enn pralac Isxpcna, we ate going tn npptnneh t1'u~ :_m, ‘,,,,Z,.,,W,,,z,,,,,,m,,,,,,,, m;,z
Smmlmdflmc khcbwmhm :;‘°mt1>=z«'n=r-vtmnnl “dc Thvth-Hz» tttttntnttnyttttnttttttttttttttttttttttttttt.tttt.

at one gcncmtmn might he looking 11I:t—:t1 )7/5/Vb
pcuplc wnnt te Work set and went tn
Know what's below E 
A N  Q
Apt: ttm N  .tt 5!‘ an .1.< Ht’ tau 
2019 Issue: Aubamssll . 1

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