Page 5 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 3
P. 5

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Tlie onlirie web portal and mnblle applicatiun fox COMMON GROUND ALLIANCE
entering locale requeals has been updated and
ls even more user fnendly. Vl§llAl3l>flmfl 811'» The 2017 DIRT Repun has been released. A copy of
website at www 111811 (mil in get more lnfozmalion the report 13 available for duwnload ur hard Copy
almut Lliese twn programs. by visiting
The CGA Teclmnlugy Repurl has been released and
is avallable at www commongmulldnlllnnrz com
Alabama 811'» Annual Operatiims Repnxt is
avallable for rlnwnload fmm our website. It can be
fuund under Il'1E Opezatlons Report link.
Tec hnology Tecllllfllflgy
R 900 Ft M I‘ 1» V
Know ulur. holvw. Cdl mm yuu ag.
Reglster For Our Free ‘ G§
Web Tlcket Em Portal Common Ground Alliance
E  , =“ 1 — CCA’s first-ever wliiie Page! has been released
;, =_ : i prnvidlng Daia-lnlarirred Insights and
A '-— ~*-—~ - ‘-‘ l Recommendatinns [in Man Eifeclive Excavalnx
oimearli. Comblning a range ui data suurces‘,
including the 2017 DIRT Report, 2018 public
A awareness research, an analysis DE call-l>efure«ynu-
V dig awareness overlaid with DIRT data, an online

AN, m M I_ W b Pm I H W SS 14 h r A excavalnr survey and excavator fucus graups,

day / 7 days 3 \w:L'l\ The users Web Portal lug In will allow ‘_°‘" by ”‘k“"‘"‘YS °'“"5“d_ um‘ ymlded d".la
an-use to :4,-nruree on me Mohllv: App 3.: well To lcam more =“PP°m=d mwmmendatlonf fm filer? E“9§t‘VE
 rm. ta   Ur    e.a.,,l,. gs  eunuch. The wl-:2 paper  ava-we at
to Www alsll cam and rlrrlr on Web Portal Log In and Sign www mmmougmumzalliarme Emu {Dr CGA members
up to gut emu,-a lud:il' and far non-members until May 31, 2019.

A A,”CGMWME,,,,wou,,WyD_, can
. . , became lnvulved and suppun some of the damage
preventiun lnitlatlves currently underway.
 aw   . 3

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