Page 14 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 3
P. 14

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ThePaHcyCemzI ‘  ,, O :-
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ncewehad a invent: but had a1o«ofpo~s-b-1iuc- Thcnew am. Lhe nfficcioz an lmurox sojuat .0
msumnce cuatomcr. Ye», manager expand“! and 1-Md a few go over the game old stuff Lhcy had an
1.” ,,,a,.,,.,m, Wm Pmy mom folks to meet the dcmand. hmd um and um again
}“5}" "‘“ ”‘“ "‘““" °""‘P““>' And he sin a the niet v mean a
“M, M, had a (mm. Hg M“ had » we »- > 2:» What happzncd hem u .-hmea wuh an
a 3,, Expmmm Mud on M wmkm . .., _ ,‘ occasIun.1l~'m2|lIworkcr~' comp exaam,
Cornp T},,}.a }mdaZ04/';_ ‘ /e  4 1  g‘  lhnnlhcm wasan oeeamnan fender-
dmmm off the gomg rates heeau.-e he bmd“ “"0 dmm» The Workm Wm
wasemmrxeezoxseveralyeamour .4 “ N 1 ‘ _ ‘f we glad,L}-e>'»a-drthaIIhvncwgu>'
g.,ymn}.ad dm1y..a;E.y mmung, H‘ 3.} »_ , \ 1 : Wm1nclmrg2,bctauanlmundcxsloud
Na Mg, but Em), day’ H2 mm 1“ that sometimes these t1ung~ happened.
I2axn2d|ha(f1om hm ;mm1,W. 9.. 9.; , , _ A :* ,, W ‘ _ g‘ , e I ‘ Acrew mcmber deflmlcly dud hmwam
Hg... —, . -._ w «« U  Iohave to explain to (112 old guy how
he backed mlo that other truck‘ No, am

The man dendcdlo rctm:,and he , ,_ __ , _, , , ) .

tumedlhcmanagemenlofthe huanes. ; e . e. i ‘ R Li‘. ‘ . ix‘: e " Th”“'°m\~'°sma11a1\°pfim-

over to .1 relative, one who had actually ‘ N=“*'°Y did mud‘ damflsm but they
worked w|thLhc:rcw.Thnnn:w . . .‘ _ , “Ed 9-t‘rlmm~'an)'vva)' And-hum
managerundcxsloodlhe hu..he.s,.md, '-* ~ ‘ ~ ‘ ' W51” ~1mm=ab°“H1mnw'guy’~back
as a rclauvc, had .1 stake m Lhe buaxnzwa , , W ) ‘"l“"Y4d““g5

atavxngsucccssflll Furthcxmom he J V 7‘ — , ~ , '.r B I L},

— _ r e be M \\ y‘ , ottum me, ey nO| only hm Lhmr
fat P‘_‘“‘d3" f§D5:°d “W” “"°“‘1:‘°;” m V 20% dhtount, but wound up wnh a
l=l~““~d€t T our» Pnrweek e mi V‘ V X V k a ‘ . 10',7nInCrI:ase—an EMod oil l—w1I}un
“ “ “ ° ‘""- , _ 4, ,, A . ‘:7 , .e syem. ThaI'~aIolal3lJ%}|itunt1\2ir
The a,,c,,m,,,,,.a,,,3d may hm), be H H 1 ‘ ‘ ‘ workers compralzullnnc. Plus',I}m
hm,“ mltmulwy “W W“, M M a“<§::r1':; drK‘l:§;:r:;::2“ j:fl**€r°d property taznex xmscd thur duducuble
ofbuunma that lmd a lot of eumpeuuon ‘ ‘ ""‘ ° m" ‘D $5003 and Ihzy sol thm auto
12 . Alabamasll 2019 Vssuei

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