Page 21 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 21

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n my years in the construction industry l have seen some specific to directional drilling and boring These
entirely too many damages to unrlcrground uiilities. may even be part of Illcu pci-milling process. Take time to
Of course, Il'1EI€ have been a multitude of reasons, such lnvzallgale Lllem and see what impact Lllcy could have on the
as iallum to notify, inaccurate marks, unsafe digging work to b: perioi-med.
practices anrl the like. when l flzsl became involved with 3} Bidding mg WM (0 Hum, M "Emmy may
the safety side of Cxcavallon, lwas naive, assuming most _ .
precautions This is easy to say and dlffitull to implement in
'“‘“‘ Wm ‘“"“"°d ““ ”'“"“ ""“3’ W‘ M ‘l‘““' ““‘“*'Y a climate where work is iwarrled to the lowest bid but the
oplzn-cul trenching. lwas not prepared for the unique set of I H _ E d be i, _ ’ _ d
circumstances presented by directional rlrilling 1ndbDring Pm“ '“ °“’ ’°’“ ‘“"°““ “‘'.‘“g° ““ “ ““'"“°“““ ‘"3
* * * — ‘ * catastrophe as well a liieehanging one for many others.
A” “““““’““‘ d""‘“g ‘’““‘“° “W” |”‘““'°"" ”‘° ““‘“b" 4 There is no substitute for ex sin cristin utilities to see
of rlamages that occurred when a contractor boicd through ,' ’ ’ _ "°’ 5 ’ 5 _ ’
. tie location and especially the elevation/depth. Assuming
a line onen marlc headlines and were slg‘nlfl:r1nI,wlIl1 _ _ . _

. any line is installed as any specilic depih is risky and is a
d“"“‘"""5 °°“”‘q“‘“°“" 0”“ ”‘° Y“““' '5“ M” 5”“ choicel ersonall i do not wish to make not when someone's
a lot of discussion over possible solutions and legislative 1 P ’ ’ ’ ’

iealth and well-being hangs in the balance. And neither
remedies, and some actions have been taken However, while mould in wt Elm
the prolalcm is recognized, areal long-term, universal solution ’ ’ ’ '
scems unallalnablz Many utility companies are spearheading 5. Network with other interestcrl parties. This is a situation
their own efforts to prevent cross-bonng through lines, but is that demands a group discussion and input from all parties
it enough currently’ to gain a solution that truly helps. This may provirle short-
.'>.' b lbr'.lLlll I
There are acllons that can be taken, both short-term anrl ‘_"'l'““""“d“"°“ “b‘:’°‘°“ "":°§F ““l “ ° d‘j“f‘“l'“
somc long-term (and probably more depending upon ”° “‘'°"° “‘ ““ '“°‘’‘'P°’" ° ‘“‘° P” ‘C’ °" ° °‘“'
’ . ' ’ . state or federal level may msull.
local regulations, specilic utility requirements and intei-nal
company rules): This is not an all-inclusive list. In a changing environment,
there truly is none But at least slaying ahead of ihe irends,
1' D""°“"Y' P"“" P'“’“““8 “ " 3"“ ““"' A P“’P°’ irl iislin inlcrnal cor oraie olicv to address what has been
‘“’P°‘“°“ °‘ ”‘° "“°/ '“’d‘P‘1‘ ‘MW’ "‘ P"‘“‘ ““d lvilnzssfd inrl [caning in thcPi'-ield' is a health stari And
drawings, discussion. with any governing agencies that have __ ’ ‘ .V’
. assuming anyllllng about Illc uliimate location and potential
iui-isdiction over the area and after all of this, having the i-ighi . _
conrlict during a cross-bore shoulrl not occur. W
people anrl equipment on site to perrorin the work
2. Each government agency may have specilic requirement. M, I_qt‘Il.>(mHu mmtillrt A/l(4‘lHl‘»‘ll14‘llt()/Ml‘ came; an a. Cu ac l7fl4‘V
[ox utlllllns Lllat lmve been installed wllllln Lllelr ]L|Yl~d|El|D|'I, “"“'"X WW/W WW WW iv I/MR
2019 Issue? ram... 511 . J9

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