Page 2 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 2

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Here are a few very important things you should know about
underground power hnes and how to work safely around them.
More and more power hrres are berrrg burred rne number to earr r: Eaiy to remember an Call at
underground Tnrs pose: a ebnsrderabre threat Veait 4:: nburs m adyanee or your project‘ and me

rbr bum Currstructrtm worker 5 and du—r(—yourse\\f represenrabve wru nbbry Arabama an member utrhtrei
nbmebwner 5 Even rr yuu‘re under Lakrrrg a seemrngry

h&lm‘ESSJub’ mm as mggmg a We em a new fem’ soon after umrcres are rrutrfred, varmu: techmcrarrs
the mks am Sm‘ were v\\;‘rH turrrelout and put spray parrrt rrr the p\\a(es where

t are are mes

vbuye brubabry heard the “can berbre you mg“ ‘

mantra many trrrres But take rt to heart — rrutrrrng Wei: take ms sjmwe step before dram H S my
gum happens Wm a Shaver Dmngeg mm a me And rt : rree vbu H save a run of rreadathes — and
WW rm maybe even your rrre

Color codes for marking underground utility lines:

/’\\ G r '1. t , t r _

rr/r Proposed excavation . of;a‘;’eofJf;‘"‘;‘t:’§a[;’ 9”" 0 Before ybu dig:

Dial 811
. Temporary survey . Comrnum'(at'ronS, ararm or 
markings srgnar rrnes, cabres or condurt
O Elf:JL‘ri:‘;3?r;‘A2ri‘g:::‘:,‘r::' 0 Poems 'I"8a[;0e;*8e;a;;<Cy6=(r;'7'=Z6)
Retlairned water, Irrigation .

. and WW hm . sewers and dram rrnes

1 4‘

For more electrical safety tips, A

visit AIabamaPower.(0rn/safety. ‘  a  m a  I’

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