Page 18 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 18

Pan lllree: Soil elassilicalion win»-»w
aclly, as many as am; wa,ka,,. fracture and ole-slabiliae soil ihai was Type c. The CF should also check ihe
are killed and several ihousanol initially considered slable. sides of fhe excavacion for layered
wnrkers are seriously ln]u!2d _ _ _. _ . . sysieciis, waler, ufiliiies, and signs of
in lrenches and excavafions Type A D°f‘““d "” ‘”}.‘°“"° “"1 “"“‘ revinusl disturbed soils. The CI’
an uncnnflned coin ressive siren L}: P Y

across rhe u.s each year. one reason D‘ 1 5 mm H “:2 ‘got D’ 1: inusf also lae vigilanl for sources of
Many people forget ihe weighi of A_ ‘ nip 1 S“ H T gfimf. _" vibrafion.

soil. The Facts one cubic final of soil If 3 P” b 6‘ "_‘“ °" VP?! 5?} "b d M 31 T

waghs bflwm‘ 90 and M0 Pnmm a so rare ecause previous y ‘Lam! e arm esls - There are a number
A mm yard of ml can wagh almm :DII,~‘r or soils stublzcl tn vibrahon “I at differeni manual iesis included in
mm pound’, is much as an SUV! As rom eons ruc ion equipiaieni, fra c, e OSHA Smndard

_ railways, efc., are disqualified as being
a resulf, when a french cave-in occurs, aTypE A, The Dry Strength, Thread, or Ribbon
fhere are usually deaihs Dr very seunus Tesis can be used In delei-mine if a soil
ln]uries. 133:2 B - Defined as inoderafely is cohesive or granular.
.  .-l.Nl. od.-T A,
{in imponanf responsibility for ihe d H‘: T“;P:"C  We The Thumb l>enelracion Tesl relies
Competent Persnn" idiscussed heavily upon ihe experience of
in parione nf ’.’}II.~‘>.s2n2S)>l.~‘ "soil I Type C - Delinedas ihe leasl the person performing ihe lesi. ln
classiiicacion. II is fhe firsf siep in cohesive soils, having an unconfined the Thumb Penetzatlnn Tesi, fhe
choosing a prolechve syslem, and compressive strength less than .5 rims "Cnmpelent I’2rsun" gathers a handful
fhe law requires ii Even if a soils per square fool. This includes wef, of freshly excavaled soil and presses
engineering serviee has laeen identified granular, or loose soils The laesf way his /her thumb min the inafei-ial. Type
for a pmlzct, the "Competent Pzrsun" is In remember Type c is lo thlnk of the A soils require a grzat aciiounl of effon
still required In classify the soil. "C” standing far crummy II is the I lo indenf the soil. Type E soils can be
Them in hundreds (mm dmumds) lelas: s;a;>le fy(pe D: Tun‘:/‘2Tlz‘l Thereli; indenled wiih inoderale pressure. Type
D‘ dmmm WES of ml‘ OSHA is aco o ype P sin in Cfisissippi. de c soils require hole or no eiiorl.
concerned with *usf four ty es; °"“’° 2“ Em“ [ 1 "’ '°““‘" Fuck P l ii .
‘ P In perfoi-in ai leasf one visual and one °‘ “"2 '°‘“*‘°’°.“““ 5 *“"’““°’

stable Rock - Deiined as natural, manual iesf of ihe soil. C“ be “M: ‘“ “°“';“‘:; ‘h? _

p. yd - 1 L,‘ be _ I approxima e uncon n eompressive
e:cav::dE::if'h‘:::licalasi:l:: and will  :;'°““1 ml’ "'"‘“3‘l‘ °f ‘'°“‘'

. . .- serves
remain infaci while exposed. slable _ . _. ." . There is nne method of Soil
soil as if is laein excavaied soil ihai
rock is excreiaiely rare. In faci, less ihan ’ : ’ 5 . ‘ cla,-,-ifica,,.,,. 3.3, (ha cp 1
. . remains in large clumps is cohesive, * . C“ ‘"‘P °Y
fwo perceni of ihe soil in ihe u. s. is and is Pmbably TYPE Am Type B in“ lo nvmd all these lesls. He/she can
classiiied as siable Rock. lriaddicion, (dgpmding upon mm ‘mum 5;)“ assume ihe ”wurs2 cmz" scenario and
Sir: a1;‘I(rel1!c:.s'd.~' ofexcfvahng  Ears, that “am wt of an “mam bucket is classiiy all soil as Type c. The french
., ynami e, e c., WI i e y gmmm IBM] 0! wet] and is Probably or excavafion can then be sloped,
shared, or shielded accurdmgly. ln facl,
»/ ciiany coniracfors and uiilifies lake ihe
, posicion that every soil they work in

/ ‘$9 m is Type C Thaf helps fo simplify ihe

r ‘s -. . , 3 , enfire (‘ranching and excavation safecy
/ ‘-9;

- _ , process immensely .

/A r‘ : 
Editor's Nale- This is the mud o,/Jaar
arlicles in ilos series lliai i1l5cu55z5 spcclfit
stcps [Piaf Eanhlzctars and Iihhfies Um
/ V ” ialre lo Ilzlp ivtsure (he safely ofthcn
‘_, . -' \\ persoymel. obinaiisly, lriis is an overview
h afliie subjrcl. ll is impasslble lo properly
[aver the iapic In /iisifoiir relaiieely sllort
_ arhcles. Coni‘l'm‘i‘ar5 and alililies inroloed
In aridergmiiiid work will need addiiional
training is irisare ieorker safely
A )AD(KCtyL'1lL‘!mHlL‘h'1 liml CXfifl1P'A‘0ffifllIHlHIl’I£§I thmcau (Vi‘p1‘1/illmkd mslmmlllrlcsoll typc
16 . Allsbamafill 2a19,!ssue2

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