Page 15 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 15

l , . l. per . Ul|l|tyEng1nccnng,"cvcry$1spcmon .ub.unuee uullty
‘ ; 2 ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ,‘ cngmcunng (SUE) tan mun m $4.52 m cos'l—~avIngs.
""—\\‘_ *- \\ ~ In addmun m zhe.e safety and fiuaue.a1bener-m, kuuwmg
 ~« A‘ ~‘   xhe cx.1:lh1.»r|znntal.1nd}uu
_ »- .a  ‘ . _, , a pxoyccl .-ue alI()w~' dnll1ngupurzm.»nmdcflgn bumholc
.1 ” M’ h l. — al|gnmL‘nl~amIInd cxhtlng uulmcs. Ifauuhty cannolbc
P1 , v 1 .l., ‘ K‘ . . avumled, n mu~tbL‘ ml1.»:atcd.Havmg lhxunlormatxon at
l..‘ lhc~tartu[.1 roccl,In~lL‘ad ofcx eueaeu. .-ur mewhaxe
g P I P :4 P
Egg. l l  1 , 1, dn1l|ng,canmdIIcc pm}cctdL‘l.1ysz\
d L‘xpcn~'c~'
" ‘ , V ’_ '. ~< Removing Slurry fram fhr Pm/ecf Site
V’ ‘ \\’v)C >1
. l ' " . ' 3 Dunng huuzumamueeuouan dnll|ng,~'lun'y—a thick

l ‘,~~- mixture of water, bcnmnnc and other chcmxcals 7 1.

l _ ~- \\ x~.-_. zonlmually pumped through the tumng head or dull bu The

l Ag 3 ‘u; .1-my hulpa lo lmnsporlnmlcnal out ux thc borchulc, s'tab|l|zc

1;:l_;v _ ll ' la. \\ _ me bomholcandcool thucumng hcad Du11.ugupe-rauu.
, ll ._ _a;*;, ' l ,;V.‘_ . V begin dnllmg the latcxal bomholc by fiIstcxcz\\\\'al|ng an cntry
A - V’ v »‘ -‘ pit and an L‘x|tp1l.Thc~'L‘ pm allow u .a:e piaee [or the ~'Iurry
l H _ l V to col1cct.1~1kI~ puslmd through thcborclmlcby the dnlhng
arc cnnmdcrcd lam naeuee. m as slatu xx . al~()Ics~1n\\a~1vc lmwlm Dcpmlllng on llm dmlm ll, ll“, lmmlmlc llm mm
and c.1u~'L‘~ 1e.-5 ~urfz\\cc danmgc, tmffic dmupuou and |mpz\\cl lllmy mum lmwml or lmkwlml lllmllgll llm lxlmlmlcl
m ~uI[z\\cc acl|v|nc~'. Mm! uu1.ue.- can bc qluckly and Cffiucntly wllmlllg ll, mhc, ll“. mm, l,“ 0, [hr M. l,,., gm cl,,.m,m.
unl:o\\/lured E\\d'cnl:|]'m1l|cr, Zxolm n;vn;pIc>:huul1l|cs ~uch a. 1x:Abcr— m l, Plll ml. Mm. ,.1l,,,l, ml bu mmmcd
up 1: ms» an ca :5 (an e uea c wx pmnuon, mu mg |n
mduccd mk of slnkcwu Vacuum cxcz\\\\'.1l|v.»n equipment can be used m .-arely and
-3. ‘av ‘L mm I :0 x x -a th‘
Lucalmg uu1.ue.- v|a vacuum cxca\\'al|v.»n can aI~o m~uIl |n  ‘Ell l:,:'l:jmC:l:lc°:,'l'll:f'l'l‘m  ml
subdanlml cost ~a\\/mgs. Purdue UnIvcn|ty’~ Dcparmicnt lm lmmwlml lo ll lmllly Wllm ll can be legally dwpcml ul
ofBuI1d-ha Cor-«ructwn Manngvnwnt Publhhvd 2* Md)’ Uung vacuum excavation L‘qu|pmcnt m rcmovc cxccai aluny how bcsl practices‘ u. L‘x:avz\\m)n, anal-adaugllaeuuua hell” mp ll ml 0, lllc Walk M _ ml, mm lmlmllanllll
KL‘: n1.»l1.»g1c~, Canmduccpmycclcosh Accmdlngmt ustudy, llululdmllhl Cmlmnd MlmlWl,.
mlcd "C1.»s't— Sax/mg~ uu Highway Pmguzh Uuhzmg smurxaee U
Know what s below
Before you dig!
A N G A 0
34!(1:7i:mF« f\\J;x:w:'n \\,:£x< Lt,-'DCM’1lfi", W
2019 lssue2 Alsmma 511 . 1:

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