Page 7 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 1
P. 7

lul goes mlo planmllg and Tlley also lakc Into conslolelanon ln accordance wllll appllealllc nlles
promctlng the enyllonmenl polenllal lmpacls on solls, aqllallcs, ancl rCg|llaUDn~, lnclllalng seealng ancl
aloll a l llne lollle wn|l.1nds,nnl|vc ve clallon, wlldllfc ivsrtlllzln me lo ertv ta landowner
3 P we 3 3 P P ,
and llemagc lesolllces. Even speclaeallons," Kalhcnne salol. "In
“My "““ d‘“““5° conslnlcllon Ummg ancl cllolec of many lnslances I1'1I: lancl ls |mprO\/ed
plevenllon ale typlcallv llle fiml two '
, — eonslnlcllon lecllnlqlles can be affnctnd llpon lo llle pomt that lllose llylng ln
3”“ Y°“ " 1"“ ‘’°‘“ "‘‘’°‘ P‘P°““° lly llle cnvllonolenlal cDn~ldu'atlon~ al llle alea dun’l cvcn lcallze tlmy alc
°°"‘P“"“" llle slle. Iouklng al a plpellne ngl\t»ui-way."
3”‘ ““"‘“’“"‘““'"' "‘°“’“‘d‘1“P '5 "W2 mllsl cumplv W|I1'1 all appllcablc ln that lcgalcl, goool plpellncs malce fut
galnlng mole empllasls acloss llle _— _
icdcral and/or slalc cnvlronmcnlal goocl nelgllbols 7 and lllose nelgllbols
°°“““>" ‘”‘”‘ “"‘“>' °""““’“ ‘P“““‘“g lc lllanons " slle ~’I|d "We work wllll ale kl: to malntumn a sale l cllne
"“"‘ ‘°"’“‘““ "“d ‘““° ‘° ’°d“‘° “‘°“ mIg2v1nlst>1’le [anofreéelal] 1 encles to y ‘ g P P '
Impact on llle land and llle people wllo ‘ ’ ‘ ‘E _ wlllle plpellne ownel/opclalols alc
oblaln all leqllllea slale pelmlls, and
lll~c alollnol lllell racllllles zasllalolls allolll mnnllonng lllell
P“ PHMSA ‘“g“‘“"°“" '}‘“ °"'“*’“"—" lacllllles rlc llenll l ll ls lllc l ellne's
Plpellnes ale llle clleapesl and sales: plepalcs emelgency lesponse plans mghbug WED milk km I551“ in *
moole ol llansponallon all nallllal g.1~ lol all new pnllecls pnor to the slan of _ . _ _
,, sllsplclolls actlvlty O! to lelay concelns

and many llqllllls. lalll the plpellne Dpu’atl0n~

. about clamage to first lcsponclels.
‘"‘“°"Y °°"‘“° ‘“'“1‘ "° °“’" “°‘ "‘ once llle lollle llas been lanneol and

challenges and hes: pl’aCUCI:~. Wm h flbm m bngm Cfimmm Befum complctlng dle leclamallon,

’ ' ‘ ’ . -, ‘I k . d L}: -
K|ndI2r Molgan opelales about 3000 notify Alabama 811 at least-18 llollls 8i’1‘1:“n :m"1md
mllcs of nanllal gas and lellnccl PHD!’ to all dlgglng actlvlty A llesl m ‘drum; I Elm HLME ~_ 1t fwd.
petroleum plodllcls plpellnes acloss placllcc Lllal ls galnlng puplllanty > P P 5 ‘_ '
,, ,, property llncs ancl olllel places lllal

the slale u[Al.1bama, accolollng to among Excavalon ls lo wlllle llne wmm ammo“

l<alllenne Hlll, scnlol colpolale llle wollcslle wlth palm. Tllal malces It ‘ '

cocllmllnlcallons speclallsl \'\’lI1'1 llle e , . \ . once lllc plpellnc conslnlcllon lob ls
company. § ; ; ix -1 “I ? ‘ ' ~ , 1 Z 1  ‘. ! I : ~: complele, llle monllonng lleglns.

ln a lecenl emall lnlelvlcw, Kalllennc , y. la n, 5/; ' l; , X, ‘ "Safety ls always olll mlmbel one

sald l<lnclcl Molgan ls commlnccl lo ' ' ‘ ’: ‘ ‘ Q _ ‘ pllol-lly, and we are plollol to have a
conductlng llllslness acconllng to llle ,_ , ‘~ ; ; L ;i lo I 1 l ; E : » sazely lecolol lllal ls among Lhc laesl
1'1lg1'1I:~t slanclalas of envllonmenlal L l ; ln llle lnllllsuy/' Katlmnnc salcl. ”The
plolecllon, wldl a focus on nallllal . ~ E l 3 ~ l 1 l _ I “ , _ plpcllncs ale munimmd 24 llollls a
hab|tl1l~, waI£rway~ ancl clean all. \_ ‘ W _ i_ E 3 olay, 7 olays a wcelc by pelsonnel ln

g —_>.«,~l_ I! l,. ‘S , ,
lcslolalloll clllnng conslmcllon and  * ~ - ' ‘ r ‘ ' :-: ‘ ‘ ‘I ’ P
.,, r r — r - 4 — syslem. Tllal syslem monllols plpellnc
t1'1l’0Ilg1'1D|lt me life of Du! plolecls, slle
d , \ a l 3 » , . 1 v v\ plcssllles, volume and Row lalcs ancl

"" r ‘ r ’ * slallls of pumping cqlllpmenl, lanlcs
Mlnlmlzlng llle envllolmlenlal and 3 1 l: .: v  *3; ‘~ : T . ' ll 1 and valves"

llllolan lmpacl uia pxultctblsglru WK11 — A Shcmd ‘ht my mndm K “la!

lllc plannlng slage. l<alllellne salol llel v : 't \ s 3 vwfl md “"’m’ml W mmfof the
company wollcs with mlllllple olllslole P"pC‘hn‘£~ 1“ d m‘“m‘_’1EhM[_Way
group‘ In help lrmrr the Hr-Pm of “W mllcll easlel rol localols to lclenllry lllc W,.}, 3.3,“; and g,o.,,.d ,,fl.,},l, along
pmjctb and lnvolve lanolownels and am they Md (0 flag and ,0 mm ‘ht mum

Dtllcx slalcellolclels when they can. ‘hf Pmm, Em. q,,,(k1y gm, d,gg.,.g

Dumg ‘hc dmlopmen, 0, R P,Pe,,,,Q lccllnlqlles Ilka VE\CuI.\l'n nxcavatlun  K3511: ~:;|::n:n:1=Dl>J::°nl
plellollnaly lollle zol Lhc project. Aftcr other nearby -mlmcs arr frequently m fl“'al Pubhc mam“ pmgmm‘
seclll-lng mole lnlolmallon llllollgll llle vmvlvycd» m’m‘ mm WW2 am fie am ’
sllnley plocess and convelsallons \‘\’ll1'1 Om W, P|pdmL, H mpmd or a W, Pang“ Wm; Alabama ‘Eh “Yd mm
landnwnnrm adlmtmrr-l~ °“hL"m"“‘ llncls lnslallea workers llegln rcslonng ,.m_l,a,.ad ml1mm..,,,..mN
"’““ "“‘ mad“ ‘° "““““"° ““""“ rhc land to rt» Pre-excavatron «ate anlaleness of[tl\c lmponance to call

‘D '"““°W““~ ”'° °"V'm""'?"‘ 0‘ Lanol leclamallon ls lcllponanl lo llle Mam you d|g — no mallel ls vollle
Cxhlmg lnclaslmcnlle and lllllllles, slle P|pCl“,‘E7s mghbm “mum K “V. m mmmg M a ikwmpm mus‘
Wd a sllblllllan arc.1,af.1rmL‘r'sIand ol jlhl mplmng a ,,,a,n,,,x Pm,

ewz Pazmzx Wm, ‘hf Us Amy Com, along llle slole of a loaol. The company “Them Pmgmm am dmgmd (0 MP
of langlnccls and Lhc us Envlrunmental rakcl rr-to wnsrdvrmron t1urrg~ lrkr ‘ht “Hm Cowman {H d mm
Promctlon Agency, as well as state and dramagnl scgrl rl-ml-ty and Dd-Cr facr°r~ ‘dufm V mrn ‘mum of‘ | dim’
collllrv blllealls, to mlllgalc ol avold when rev-znns oven trend-cl ’ ‘ P P

o elallollal lm acls to numb rwetlands b°‘°‘“ “““"“"°“ ‘“ d'g3‘“$ P‘"‘°°"

Pd Lh rb d Pr E I U f ‘ d » ”Folluwlng conslmcllon ol new .0 Pmvcnl dflmflgc .0 ,,,,,e1, and
an 0 er 0 rm 0 W“ H ~ re W - faclllllcs, we leslole the nghhof-way ,,,.,.m M ,,.,l,l,g~ .1m gm .
2019 Issue 1 Alabama 511 . 5

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