Page 4 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 4
P. 4

Klllwv whit’!  CIII before you dig.
  /.3123‘ ' “ . Water: The most important
’  ‘ »f« ‘~,‘ WA % , resource in the world
1 .
Water systems report
reduced damages after 3
becoming members 0f811
Rural water company sees
‘ 50% reduction in damages, 4
3 credits membership
‘ X in Alabama 811
. 1 Le; .. - _ . ' . . .
 ~ g 3-_—~ _ ‘ V fr _ F1shzng,fam1ly and 811 fun
'”-‘k‘," .. ,,  Alabama Style
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W”, Wallace Jones:
' _ , The Right Thing
1 From the desk ufAnne(te Rebum
W, M“ 3 Newsune
1; .\m.\ .e ..m.m ....e.|
W, €.l.,“m..'§‘..‘..."...... ..}’.?.e sL..’., em. 13 TRUTH sub<{np||nm Amzvnulzblc m|hnu|duq;(- .,. Hm um: gm
To subscxubngn|nwmzmlrmaumR11uu);¢n:nu-s mm 14 Damaged, but not by digging
M: m.\|:-n.\l m «(m .,..m.em.. may b< mpmduzcd .,. my lnxm Wm...
WK] cncnnscn Ed1<ma|.\m1advcr:<u\ mlnnm mnmnzxncdm x..»- ub-
|1(.:||mn an eel" him  m.eLe,e‘1 .0 be m‘|12bk-, 17:44 |lw:- puk‘:l:c::o:\ 15 5"‘“Y V5 ‘"‘“”“°*
mm u.\r.m cllwn-uxaczurzcv . .
L_»..m, m.W, and .,.',fee ma an b<submn|u1 .9 17 Trenchmg and exeavauon safety
Em.ul Alfillfilalxgnnngtlungc mm 18 Jacobi Perspective
mama am Lana, Fulmndalc, Alabama 35063
Hm c:\hmcnn‘:c‘:\b1|sI<(’n‘v(y:: Bflrbiexiflfii Alzbanna an 19 Me At Dillard
A" "W '"‘‘"°‘’ 20 Sudoku Puzzle 5: Call Center opemnons
2 . u.m..m 2015, rem

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