Page 20 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 4
P. 20

Wate I. BY/uhrl jacubl
he human body I~, according underground plpes to the bullahngs lanes are usually gravlty hues anrl slnpe
lowiklpndm, about 60% water. wlaereursneerleal. oneeuhasserueal downward from Ihcbullding rhegas
we cannot hye wltlmul waler us purpose, same (lf not mn~t) of the leaks, seeles the path of leasl reslslanee
But (no mueh walsr |n the uraler wlll leaue lhe prerruses Lhmugh and nses Io Lhu bulldmg. If the gas

wrong placn ean be a very bad thing undexgmund sewer pipes very rew pressure rs sumerenl to eseape [mm (112
Last year u was hurneane l-laruey mumclpal waler p|pc~ and very rew sewer ~'y~l£m (e g., hubhle through a
Thl~ year u was (and snll rs as l wnm sewer plpes are well marked, anrl ”[”’ trap) anrl lhe gas reaehes a wuxce
Lhrs) hurneane Flnrenee It seems as many are nan-mzlalllc Tlus makes of Ignlllun, an sxplmion will likely
though Lhous-anal-year flood L‘vcnl~ are ueeur.

happenlngfarmum often. Acouplcof N w _ >2 _ 1 y ,, ‘ V Y _
puInL~'mgard|ngflond~ Moving ll § :e= :_g;; 2;: :1 53¢ T1“ "C;f~'~fW7*'» 51' °‘ §f= '°~“"~
is POWERFUL11 Ifwallzrismuvlng _ ‘  ‘fl’ °“°l“”‘“ “j’“° “““‘*'
aerassaraarl, do NOT dnvc through It 1; ; is; ad  “:h° *2 lCl~“€XlPdf~*°'f~l\f;= .
..nle.syan amabwlutnlycnnalntlmllt ‘ ' Q‘ ~ §|"’"_‘“‘l‘ {"3 3‘{°~'{ I“ 3°" 1
rsonlyazewrnehes-deep Ifyoucarfl “ , ,1 ,2 , x M : M, [l [‘ Dfewtml ‘lure craautqgatura
~'ceLhexor1d,you:an'Ibesumyuucan a < Kai abs Earn :4: \ a °’~ S“”“‘“‘““ ““°“‘"“ “W M

_ _ y _ . damage ean resull In thc ~r1mc rypes of

makelt. Illallketxylnglu bzatalraln / __ ~ 1‘ x e I liyoudon’tbcal|h£ 1 ;, an rzailmfi 55-; l: < _ ‘re “P°°'°“°-

lram, lhl: tram wlll cru~11you! veluele . , L Bottom hne: waler safely rs a LOT
evezyume. Do not let moving waler ; y} 1,3’ M ,1 3.) more Lhanmslwnrryrngahuulusrnga
turn your ear Into a submannell ’“ ‘ " hf: ,aeleel and learnrug to swrm

The reeuyery enurl. forFlorence Be aware of our surmundm s and,
have already begun we are sermhng  abuue all, BEYSAFEIV Q E
"‘““P°‘“'“ “*1 ’“PP"“ """‘ Tm‘ hnes afelnslalleav Ilfilallwllun ma rg be

anallarneunaaenuhalnlherslales bvtfidun ‘ ‘Mn ’ m‘hmzDm;l

areas well That ~ald, It .saLoTor de"emDml§l'uFl’h“ u§~DD) H [mm M"!/MP1’1’F""d/’°W"HM5A
Wmk“,dcan,,Pme”mm,flo,,d> mmmhm muff“! “h>ml‘>mm“§ larqarsha..sarmmmnns,mall

W“ ‘“ ”°“*“’“ ‘“° “"1 ‘“°‘’“‘‘“5 for watnr nfszwer hnes lb be rlamagerl ”""”"'("5brg'°b"' W

"°‘“ "“"°Y* ‘””“‘”‘°" 5”)’ lmbblsuseel a henumeuuu callcd ‘

hyalralerl. [iyau are uulsrrle wurkmg UWbm’C am 30:” Amwbm

'““"‘P‘”“”““‘b°"“ 72 d°5“°”'Y°“ occur». when the drllllug real passes 3 4 5 e 7 9 1 2 3
"‘“‘}‘‘‘’‘“°’' T““° ““‘1“°“”"“““" “’ The rlimageluauraler lane rs usually  2 6 7 ‘ 8 3 5 9 “
gggmnmjgjlljgf ;f§:§:*:;g;'=“"r lmmcdialely obvlous , watu sprays g HIIH
glaasmandwhatsvcrotllexpennnal ;{{;V;g;f'u:;j‘:;;mD:g;;§;‘;j,;=~;:; _: SHINE
  a nun
 am e v be e V 3 nlaun

. . ge may not unrne rarely 1

What else ls Lhere to worry about aPPM‘=m- “'9 ~““"l|°“ b<‘<°'“°5 ,3 
wuh respect to walerz lmrs potable errueal when the gas lrne eauses a ;

(dnnkablz) water, It has to rneel (lag m the sewer line anrl a plumber 
punty slarmlards. lu urban areas, removes the elog, Ihemby damaging the 
mmlpolable walerlrayelslhruugh gaslrne. casrslrghlerlhanarr. sewer

LEAAl.:barvuE11 2a1E,!ssu¢4

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