Page 5 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 3
P. 5

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Alabama 811 Adds New Staff
, lsitective June 1, 2013, Alabama 311 began
itb ever increasing nckel vulumes, 24 buur gaming 3 Wlunmy Positive “spam pmgmm
cgparahonsr a gnaw-I-rs ml-at-ca on remote I usable tbmugb tbe ceolzemote web Purtal on
ncket entry, and lbe need for more education mu website‘
and awareness, Alabama 811 bas added botb

lecbmcal and public awareness start to belp meel lbe needs

of our members, excavators and lbe general public

Cavm Doss ioiiied Alabama 811 in May 2017. Gavin bas

extensive experience in C15 and liitormation Tecbnology

and was able to lul tbe ground running l-le bas belped """““"""‘ ""“ ' ""“"

Alabama 811 to keep up witb all of tbe new demands

placed on lbe lecbnology department and bas also allowed

us to pursue new tenbnology proiects wbicb will improve COMMON GROUND ALLIANCE

tbe overall expznence for excavators and members.

Th DIRT R rt 1 sea se t be

Gavin previously served as a ccospalial Analyst in tbe 27 223:; A mp), :*;fhg‘:':P:: m;;;,,e P am '

US Army and recently completed bis laacbelur uf science M’ duwnbad O‘ ham, WW by visiting mm

degree in ceograpby irom Park University ln bis tree time mmmongmundalliuncacom‘

be enioys biking witb bis wlis and two cbildreil, running

and reading cairiii says lbat tbe most zxclling part at Alsu visit CGA‘s website to find out how you can
working at Alabama 311 so far bas been to see ditterent become ‘Waived and 5“PP‘“" some of 0'2 damage
applications at GIS recbnelugy. However, learning to prevention initiatives currently underway

work nilb and implement a wbole new set of tenbnologies

bas also been bis biggest cballenge. He says lbat be

looks torward to tbe tact lbat applying bis skills will belp

increase saiety tbrougbuul lbe state.

If you would like to send Gavin updated base map data

(we are always luoking fur updates), member service area

updates or lust a kind word of welcome be can be reacbed .

at gdusslw/11811 com or zus-731-3203 Reglster For our Free
Hayes vinson iuined Alabama 311 in April 2013. Hayes -

grew up In Montgomery aaa  a recent graduate from the Web Tlcket Ent Portal
university of Alabama He bas already made some great K

contributions to our damage prevention program Hayes ' ' W" —

is working witb tbe APACT (Alabama l>ipeline Awareness aim -s — we a
cooperative Training) program tbat is conducted eacb  Y; _ =— 1 5.’

year as well as supporting general public awareness and 3- § ,

education activities across tbe stale. V ‘Z  ‘

Hayes says wbat be likes most about bis job so far is ‘ . *|  '

lbe tact tbat wbat be is doing ultimately belps people. I 2

Alabama 811 is working toward educating all stakebolders ll \ a ’ "

on sater digging and excavation practices wbiull, wbeil , "“ ~
-mi-tumd mrreallw can saves lwam Evaryahinwlabam-1 A|uLt:am.« all-s \Vcb penal ear-s you all  :4 huurs a
811 comm-mates is «o hell» those who and themselves liar  7 dzws a  rrrr  ma ran... lug H1 niii _«||u»1
conducting eltber small or large excavation jobs. when at-case. lo liatiirce. un tbe llabilc App as wall Tu ll,-_si-ri mun:
Pwplp “glen and damage. we m,,d.3d, it 3, very fulfill,,,g_ abulil boa to lskc» ad-ranlsgc til’ ibis grl,-at s-crui,-c. siniply go
He says tbat working to create a safer and more etilcient la '3'-ml 815“ mm and fink an WW Portal Lag In and Sign
environment tor tbe people wbo work nrelessly to ensure "P ‘“ S“ S‘-"“—“‘ ‘“‘“‘

our utilities (and in most cases our cumfurl) is a job wortb  -
doing. In bis spare time, Hayes enioys meeting up witb

trieiids, attending concerts and games and going to tbe

lake Contact bim at briilsim@alsll.calii Ur zos-731-3212.

welcome to tbe 811 team: .

earls Issue! alaaama E11 . a

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